Search Results

  1. L

    One of the things I remember most from 911

    I remember my cat tried to chear me up. I would be on the computer and she would be jumping on the keyboard puring. Anyone else have a cat or other pet try and chear them up? I also remember the halloween before 911 being a massive party and the year of 911 it was dead. Some how I think cats...
  2. L

    What is your favorite cat song?

    Cat Scratch feaver as my number 1 Honarable mention to Whitesnake's Kitten's got Claws. What is your favorite cat song?
  3. L

    Who is more unethical Mc Donalds or your local school board?

    Just saw Super Size Me where a guy ate Mc Donalds for 30 days straight. It was a bad thing. I got physically ill watching the movie. But it isn't all Mc Donald's fault. Schools should encourage and enable people to live a healthy life style. My school served hamburgers almost daily...
  4. L

    What did the spamar say to the priest?

    What did the spamar say to the priest? Forgive me father for I have spammed. Priest responds, "what did you spam?" Spamar responds, "What is your E-mail"
  5. L

    6Lb 9 Oz 21 inchez

    Born at 12:58PM today
  6. L

    The best movie ever

    The best movie ever -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anyone here see the movie "Pay it Forward"? Great movie have not gotten up to the point of doing anything big for someone. I challenge you do do something nice for someone. And if it is big...
  7. L

    What does your answering machiene say?

    What does your answering machiene say? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My sister's message is "If you can pronounce our name leave a message. If you can't don't bother" The below is from a joke thread on a runboard. Great Answering Machine...
  8. L

    And this is a thing that is called cyber love:)

    And this is a thing that is called cyber love I met my wife online. However she was the 10th gal that I had met from online. I think it is easier for people to lie online. The first gal I dated from online said I was going to fast after our first real life date. And we had chatted online...
  9. L

    So Easy a guy can do it

    So Easy a guy can do it -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Very easy. You just put in 3, 4, or 5 chease Tortolini(SP) into Boiling water. A bit of salt but it still seems to work okay if you forget the salt. Cook for 5 to 8 minutes depending on...
  10. L

    Wife gets mad when I say I like cats better then dogs

    It is true. When I was growing up on a dairy farm we had all sorts of cats. They would come to drink the milk that was in the lines when the power would turn off. Had over 30 cats at one time!!!! Many were house cats from a developement that was not to far away. I'm also sadened that a local...