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  1. T

    help me please

    what does the vanilla do?
  2. T

    Squeaky Clean?

    don't worry about hurting them if you use a cotton ball and some earmite medicine which you can get pretty cheap at any pet store or wal-martjust follow directions on the box. and most likely it's earmites that are in the cats ears and it does need to taken care of before it gets worst
  3. T

    help me please

    well mine are acting like they're are drunk tripping and stumbling and i was just worried if we put them together they might have some kind of reaction to each other or something but they're fine now and are sleeping off the anasthetic
  4. T

    help me please

    we just had are two male cats fixed and the vet said to keep them apart . why is that? they're meowing for each other and want to be neaar each other are there any risk in letting them ?
  5. T

    help me please

    Thank you for your help we have a cage for the bunny and when we do let him out we are right next to him and the cat. When the cat starts getting playfull or rough with the bunny we spray him with a water bottle. Will this help? do u have any tips to help us introduce them to each other...
  6. T

    help me please

    i just got a pet bunny and our kitten bacardi keeps chasing him around and smacking and bitting on the bunny coke. what should i do ? i'm not sure if bacardi is trying to hurt coke or not but i'm also not sure if it's safe. someone please help me