Search Results

  1. giddyupgo

    Kitty vomited after vaccinations

    We brought our kitty home about a year ago ... she was a skinny stray living in the forest near the warehouse where my husband works, and we caught her, took her to the vet for shots and then brought her home for the first time that same day. That day she vomited a few times--it was just a white...
  2. giddyupgo

    Danged Picky Cat

    My cat is a good eater most of the time. In fact, probably a little too good. But she's terribly picky about what I give her. I order cat food from Amazon but it arrives in packs of 18 so I'll usually end up filling up the extra days of the month with food I buy at the grocery store. The...
  3. giddyupgo

    Introducing a cat to the outdoors

    Our kitty (Frankie) has been with us a couple of weeks, but she's known my husband for several months--she showed up as a stray at the warehouse where we have our business. She was clearly underfed and had been injured at some point--she walks with a limp and her foot is misshapen as if it's...
  4. giddyupgo

    Cat stuck down an air duct ... help!

    We adopted our cat last week and she has been settling in very well, but she loves small spaces such as the area behind the washing machine and under our bed. I have no idea what my 10 year old son was thinking, but he removed the cover from the floor vent, and the cat went into the ducting...
  5. giddyupgo

    Just adopted a stray - Questions

    Hi everyone! I'm new to the forum and new to cat ownership (mostly, I owned cats 20 years ago). We just adopted a stray cat who has been hanging around the warehouse where my husband works. I took her to the vet for her shots and learned that she’s been spayed, probably as a kitten. Since she’s...