Search Results

  1. linda in taiwan

    Cat turf wars and unwilling owner

    Cats attacking each other, especially if they are related to one another, is a struggle for dominance and territory. One solution my friend found, with rabbits, is to take both of them to another location for about three days -- and in the unfamiliar situation they snuggle together for comfort...
  2. linda in taiwan

    Help! Immense guilt about kitten left behind, I took siblings and mom :(

    Yes, please keep us posted on catching the last kitten, in this cold weather. I have had some experience in catching feral kittens, and also realize sometimes you can't catch them. One thing you haven't yet tried, is bringing one of your other cats, or the sibling of the kitten, in a carrier...
  3. linda in taiwan

    I think Lactoferrin is making my cat vomit!!

    Yes, the metro did cause bad side effects for the babies (actually over six weeks old) twice; the first more serious, had to hand feed the baby for a day, and the second time the kitty vomited a little, over about four hours period, and then was okay. I gave them the metro mixed in their joint...
  4. linda in taiwan

    Kitten not drinking/eating after a 2 day stay at the vet (an IV was given)

    To my experience, kitties get somewhat traumatized by going to the vet and by forced medication. I have been somewhat successful with feeding small babies (e.g. two weeks old, no mother) fresh poached fish fillet. This also seems to resuscitate appetite for sick kittens, and help them recover...
  5. linda in taiwan

    I think Lactoferrin is making my cat vomit!!

    From Linda in Taiwan ... I posted something about diarrhea and suspected giardia about 10 days ago, but can't find it now. I don't have available here in Taiwan all the medicines that are mentioned on the site. I was able finally to buy human Metronidazole (Flagyl, Florin brand names) from a...
  6. Paula's Babies Aug 2015 097.jpg

    Paula's Babies Aug 2015 097.jpg

  7. Paula's Babies Aug 2015 093.jpg

    Paula's Babies Aug 2015 093.jpg

  8. Paula's Babies Aug 2015 090.jpg

    Paula's Babies Aug 2015 090.jpg

  9. linda in taiwan

    Metronidazole dosing for tapeworm/giardia

    I have been struggling with my mother cat, four babies, and two teenage cats having serious diarrhea, for about three weeks. I think it was introduced when I brought one of the teenage cats back from an adoption place. It took a while to spread. Since I live with them in an apartment and use...