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    Help. Cat is refusing food...

    I am posting here because I believe this to be a behavior issue and not a nutritional one. My grandmother watched my cat for me when I was out of town and would give him scraps. I believe my cat has developed a taste for people food and is now refusing to eat cat food. He is hungry, but when I...
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    In Memory of Chucky Finklestein the Crazy Piggy

    We came home last night to find Chucky on our front lawn...gone. It was heartbreaking. He was such a wonderful friend to my 5 year old son, who is crushed...and I find that I miss him more than I realized I would... He would take walks with us and act as our bodyguard, babysit the kids when...
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    Best vet I ever had!!! He is a holistic DVM and he is WONDERFUL!!!!!! I found out about him several years ago when we had a terminal kitty, and he was warm and caring, he listened and truly helped us to make her last days with us comfortable (which is more than I can say for our local...
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    4 cats, 3 dogs, 2 kids, 1 husband

    Hi, I just signed up, and as you may have guessed, I have a full house. I came here mainly because I am torn between 2 loves, my husband and my cat Blue. Blue and my husband don't see eye to eye, my husband says you are my wife, I love you, do something about your cat peeing on my stuff. Blue...