Search Results

  1. M

    Name game

    Google the phrase "(Your name here) looks like" and find the best one from the first page of results. Don't forget to put it in quotes, otherwise it won't work. Add yours to the bottom of the list and repost this. 1. Warren looks like a desperate man. (Thanks, Google, Thanks.)
  2. M


    Werds of wisdom Don't park drunk, accidents cause people. Cats land on their feet. Toast lands jellyside down. A cat glued to some jelly toast will hover in quantum indecision I wonder which will go down in history as the bigger failure: the War on Drugs or the War on Filesharing Those who...
  3. M

    Hoover and bug

  4. M

    Scuba and Hoover

  5. M

    Scuba in the telephoto lens

    Seen this way he's such a wide cat.
  6. M

    Times' cat article

    Cats sites on the internet
  7. M

    Amusing airline announcements

    Airline cabin announcements All too rarely, airline attendants make an effort to make the in flight "safety lecture" and announcements a bit more entertaining. Here are some real examples that have been heard or reported: 1. On a Southwest flight (SW has no assigned seating, you just sit...
  8. M

    Scuba 'helping' my drawing.

    Too bad cats don't have opposing thumb...
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    Hoover stalking Rugby

  10. M

    Hoover and the Gary Fisher

    When are you going to teach me how to bike? Forget it, I'm going to teach myself.
  11. M


    Rugby, made his third great escape the other day. This time through the A/C access door into the attic space of the apartment complex. I spend two day crawling in the pitch-black, insulation-filled attic over the ceilings of four other apartments hunting for him. When I finally found him, or...
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    Chasing down Hoover

    My Himalayan pal Hoover would taunt me to chase him!! (I think this goes against millenia of feline predatorial instinct: which is to give CHASE, not to run away). He would taunt me by hopping sideways toward me, back arched, tail up. I start toward him, he turns and bolts with bushy tail...
  13. M

    FIV cat in multi-cat home

    What are some of your experiences with multi-cat home with one cat FIV positive? I have three cats (Scuba, Hoover, and Rugby): one (Rugby)was recently tested FIV positive...they are all indoor cats and each came to me in different circumstances so how Rugby got infected is unclear. But...
  14. M

    Scuba, Rugby and Hoover

    Hi from Texas.