Search Results

  1. freyaandzelda

    Why Might My Cat Be Biting?

    Hey all! So I have a new cat. Shes much older than my other two at 10 years old, and since she didn't grow up with me we both have habits to get used to. One of her bad habits is biting. Whenever I let her, about 9 times out of 10, she bites me. At first I thought it was because she was...
  2. freyaandzelda

    Cats Abroad?!

    Hey all! So I have the amazing opportunity to go to China for 15 months, and I am freaking out about what to do with my cats. Should i take them with me? The thought of leaving them for a year kills me, but I'm not sure that taking them on a 35 hour flight is the best option either. I know Nora...
  3. freyaandzelda

    Introducing An Older Cat?

    Hello all! It's been quiet in my house, so it's been awhile since I posted. I unexpectedly agreed to take in a new cat, and I'm looking for advice. Shes an older cat, at 10 years, while mine are both about 2 years old. I just got her today, but I'm worried she won't mesh with the household. Not...
  4. freyaandzelda

    Urgent! How To Catch A Stray

    I went to a restaurant tonight, and hunkered down among the cars was a small, shivering stray cat. I went to the nearest store to get it some food. It ate the food, but was too skittish to let me touch it. I ended up giving up, but can't stop thinking about it. I'm thinking of going back to see...
  5. freyaandzelda


    So I just moved into an apartment a few weeks ago. Haven't had any problems with fleas in over a year. I noticed Freya had been scratching a bit lately, but haven't actually seen anything on her. Buy just now I was sitting on my couch, looked down, and saw a flea on my arm. I've had a flea...
  6. freyaandzelda

    Does Anyone Let Their Cat On Their Balcony?

    I recently moved to a second floor apartment with a balcony. The cats have recently been showing interest in the balcony, but I'm too freaked to let them out on it. One of my co-workers has criticized me for not letting my cats outside, but I just worry about what can happen. But her pestering...
  7. freyaandzelda

    3 Pets In A 2 Pet Apartment?

    Hi all, it's been a while since I posted. I'm looking for advice on whether or not I should tell my future landlord about all of my animals. I have 2 cats and a dog. I've already told her about the dog and one cat, but I haven't said anything about the other cat. I'm concerned that if I tell her...
  8. freyaandzelda

    Cat scratch?

    Not sure if this is the right forum. I was having to give my cat a pill today. I've tried crushing pills up in smelly wet food and other treats for her, but it never works. She won't touch the food if has a pill in it. The only way I can get it down her is to hold her in place, pop her jaw open...
  9. freyaandzelda

    The vet refuses to spay pregnant stray?!

    Ok, link to how I found this cat here: I called the number to the cheaper clinic today to see about getting an emergency spay. The vet told me she was about 2 to 3 weeks out from having kittens. But the vet at the clinic they had me...
  10. freyaandzelda

    Help!! Stray cat??

    Hi guys! I pulled into my driveway today and was approached by a small orange cat. I reached down to pet it and it basically crawled up my body like a tree and started wrapping itself around my neck while purring. Naturally I couldn't leave this sweet baby outide by itself in the rain. I had my...
  11. freyaandzelda

    Get lipstick off cat?

    Freya was rubbing her face against mine so I smooched her nose without thinking. I had lipstick on. So now she has a lipstick mark on her nose and I'm not sure how to get it off lol. Any advice? I tried rubbing it with a soapy cloth but it just smudged.
  12. freyaandzelda

    Biting wet hair and playing in water bowl?

    A while back, I got one of those automatic water dishes because I was having to fill up the water bowl at least once a day. Well, the cats discovered how fun it was to scoot all over my kitchen. I decided to switch back to the bowl I was using previously because it has a rubber bottom, and Zelda...
  13. freyaandzelda

    It's been nearly a year and...

    I will have had the cats for a year in June and my daschund, Cricket, is still not comfortable with them. He will growl at them if they try to cuddle with him or try to come near him when he's relaxing, which I would get if they were mean to him but I lucked out and managed to get some of the...
  14. freyaandzelda

    Getting an apartment with multiple animals?

    A friend and I want to get an apartment together. The problem is that we would have four animals total, and it is difficult finding an apartment willing to allow two animals, let alone four. Obviously neither one of us is willing to leave one of our babies behind. The total would be two dogs and...
  15. freyaandzelda

    My dog is still afraid of the cats?

    I've had Cricket, my daschund, for about 5 years now. I got my kitties over the summer. Cricket had never been around cats before. I was really cautious when I introduced them because my dad's dog, the same breed, had killed a kitten before. Now, the cats are nearly the same size as the dog and...
  16. freyaandzelda

    My kitten is a thief!

    I recently discovered that the keys I've been missing for two weeks were being hoarded by my youngest cat, Zelda. Today I awoke from my nap and caught her in the act of stealing my glasses. I've also noticed that she'should recently become possessive of her toys. She'll still play and share with...
  17. freyaandzelda

    Cat smells like poop?

    So over the last couple of days I've noticed my younger kitty, Zelda, often smells like poop. The first time I caught a whiff I thought one of the cats had just used the litter box, but then the smell didn't go away. I really only notice the smell when she has her tail up, exposing her anus, but...
  18. freyaandzelda

    Our first Christmas is coming up!

    This will be my first Christmas with cats. I love Christmas and decorating for Christmas. Usually, this includes a Christmas village, willow tree nativity set, garland, and spun glass ornaments on the Christmas tree. Obviously, this means that most of these decorations are going to have to go...
  19. freyaandzelda

    Comfortis on cats?

    Has anyone ever used Comfortis on their cats before? I've got a bit of an infestation, so my vet recommended Comfortis. I've never used it on any of my animals before. I haven't administered it yet because I had given them a different treatment a couple weeks ago, and the vet wanted me to wait...
  20. freyaandzelda

    Will her head ever fit her body?

    I'm not sure this is the right forum for this. My tortie, Zelda, is about four months old, so I know she's nowhere near done growing, but her head seems disproportionately small compared to the rest of her body. Freya never really went through that awkward stage.