Search Results

  1. sapphire75

    Throwing up

    I give Reese a half of a can of food, on Sun and Weds, for a treat. So, the can is opened on Sun then refrigerated til I give to him again on Weds. I have done this his whole life but in the past 3-4 weeks or so, when I give him the refrigerated half, he throws up almost immediately. What could...
  2. sapphire75


    Today is Reese's 2nd adoption anniversary! One of the best decisions I've ever made. Life is definitely never boring with him around and I love him with all my heart!!
  3. sapphire75

    Look at that face!!

    I caught him on his back.
  4. sapphire75


    Why can't I attach a picture? I have posted pictures before with no problem.
  5. sapphire75

    Flea gel scare

    I feel idiotic posting this cause I feel like I should have known better. But, in my defense I went by the directions on the box. I don't treat Reese monthly for fleas/ticks cause he is strictly an inside cat. In the almost 2 yrs that I have had him now, I have seen 3 fleas on him (few and far...
  6. sapphire75


    So, Reese has learned a new trick that I have been blaming on my attendant. Backing up a bit...I had to put child locks on all my bottom cabinets in kitchen and bathroom when Reese was a baby cause he would go in them and he got sick one time from licking something he shouldn't have. For the...
  7. sapphire75

    Fish tank

    I am in the process of setting up a one gallon fish tank. My hopes are that Reese will enjoy watching them. I have heard them recommended for cats on many different occasions. My plan is to get 2-3 guppies. Or if that doesn't work out then 2 goldfish, IF I can find 2 small enough to fit in one...
  8. sapphire75

    How did you name your Fids? (Fids=Fur Kids)

    All of my life I've wanted a female yorkie named Reese, don't even remember how or when I decided that it was such a long time ago. Well, somewhere along the way I gave up the dream of a yorkie cause they are way to expensive for my pocketbook. Fast forward to when I knew I was getting a...
  9. sapphire75

    Pointy face/mouth

    Reese has a real pointy face/mouth and most cats I've see have more of a round face. Does that make a difference in what breed his is? I know he is an orange and white tabby, just wondered if the shape of his face meant anything along with it. 
  10. sapphire75


    How do I give Purraise. I just signed on last night and I don't want people thinking I'm a snob cause I'm not giving any out. 
  11. sapphire75

    Pictures of Reese throughout the years.

     Using a toy as a pillow. Sound out on pain meds. He had an injured leg. with injured leg. He couldn't jump on furniture very well. will only lay on that bed if it is turned He sits on the end table when he wants a drink out of spray bottle. If there is...
  12. sapphire75


    Hi, I just signed up and wanted to introduce myself. I am from Texas and a Mom to a 2 yr old orange and white tabby, named Reese. He is my baby. He loves to play in water, his favorite things are to drink out of a spray bottle or he likes for me to spray him down so he can bathe. He drinks out...