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  1. T

    My cat understands be quiet

    My cat is a talker. He's loud and vocal. He's a turkish Angora (I don't think that means anything, but.....) He use to walk around the house calling me, my daughter, the other cats at the top of his lungs! It sounded like this " Maaaaaaggggggow?" He would do it at night and wake us all up...
  2. T

    Stinky...farting cat...diagnosis?

    I'm hoping someone here may know what is going on with my old guy. I would like to arm myself with possibilities before taking him to the vet. He is not a travel friendly cat and he's old, so the least amount of stress possible I believe to be better for him. And me...and the skin belonging...
  3. T

    Hi, I'm new.

    I'm Twila. I have 3 cats. 1 purebred and 2 DSH's Butch (I didn't name him!) Is 13yrs old and a Turkey..ehm Turkish Angora. He adopted me during a tenancy with his previous person. He spent 8 yrs living outside before adopting me. He no longers goes outside. He's discovered the joys of...