Search Results

  1. jinxybean

    Chronic Cat Diarrhea And Metronidazole (flagyl)/probiotics - Excellent Results!

    I'm writing this in hopes that it helps others, as non-specific diarrhea seems to be a recurring theme here. Recently, my Jinxy Bean started to have problems again with four-smelling soft stools. She's had diarrhea and soft stools all her life, though I've had a lot of that under control with...
  2. jinxybean

    Meet Minky Boodle and Jinxy Bean!

    Hi everyone!  I'd like you to meet my two little meowing fur balls.   And here's Jinxy Bean!  She's a new addition to the family.  I adopted her a few years ago right after my Siamese Kittyskyfish passed away.  Jinxy was in need of a loving and understanding home because her IBD made other...