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  1. J

    Worried about two cats I left behind

    Still putting food out for him...just hasn't worked out to set a trap and be able to check it in the mornings. Haven't seen him since the last time I saw him..even coming back an hour later to see if anything is around.
  2. J

    Worried about two cats I left behind's almost like a Bruce Jenner thing for your niece..cute story though! sarthur2..the only possible way this black one can be a female is if it's a sister of the one we were seeing before he disappeared. Same size..same goofy run..etc. No kittens that I'm aware of but I suppose it's...
  3. J

    Worried about two cats I left behind

    She said no...said the money I gave her would be used to get him neutered. So yep..that makes it even funnier..I know.  What are his balls I just thought was a very know what. Again, not like the black one. He has, or had, some balls! Still wonder if that's why he was gone for a...
  4. J

    Worried about two cats I left behind

    I was joking about disappearing. It's a bit embarrassing finding out the cat is a male, although in my defense(as I explained to the lady in my naming of her...err..him)  the name I first had for him was Elijah- the name just popped in my head right away as I was thinking it was a male. Then...
  5. J

    Worried about two cats I left behind

    Thanks once again for all the info. Those enclosure ideas/plans makes me wish I had property to take in a # of cats. The tarp should be easy to to just "staple" down all the way around. Would also attach the tops of the fencing to the boards. Didn't see the black one last night..even after...
  6. J

    Worried about two cats I left behind

    LOL yeah I guess you're right. I guess I just became too attached to them. Years ago I didn't  care for cats...but they've grown on me.  If it were cats that I just noticed and decided to trap and bring to a shelter right away it'd be a lot easier.
  7. J

    Worried about two cats I left behind

    I guess the thing that is getting to me is taking him away from his "home" he's had all these years.  If I knew that neighbor would take care of him(I'd give her the house and heated bed for winter)I'd be happy knowing he'd still be in the area he's lived his whole life and knows so well. I know...
  8. J

    Worried about two cats I left behind it possible he was TNR'd and THAT is why he disappeared for a year..even if he was released in the same area?  Feeding at night and him being black made it hard to see if his ear had been he wasn't getting too close to me. Guess that's something to look for later...
  9. J

    Worried about two cats I left behind

    The other night when I "trapped" the female I didn't think to put food out in case the black one was around.  So maybe that's why he was actually waiting around this time? As I think I mentioned before he was never consistent in his coming for supper. When living there some nights I didn't see...
  10. J

    Worried about two cats I left behind

    And of course I go to the house a bit ago and what do I see in the neighbor's driveway? The black cat. There's a wood fence between the two houses and he liked to wait on the other side of it because I would take the dog for a walk before feeding time. Argh...I don't know whether to laugh or cry...
  11. J

    Worried about two cats I left behind

    I did mention there's a slim possibility I  could take her  later on if she hasn't found a home for her yet, but I'd hate to ask her to keep her just for me just in case...if there's a chance she could find someone good to take her and there's  a good chance I won't be able to. If she ends up...
  12. J

    Worried about two cats I left behind

    Thanks, and yeah I gave her all the food I had left and enough money to cover any spaying etc, even though I have a feeling she already is spayed. Never saw her with kittens, but maybe that doesn't mean anything- only saw her at night remember. But then you'd think as the kittens got older...
  13. J

    Worried about two cats I left behind

    All went well. Although I wasn't prepared for the reaction I got when I closed the door(was able to not have to use the trap) as well as for the crying all the way home and most of the trip to her new home.  Finally settled down after getting home- put the cage up in the back of the truck and...
  14. J

    Worried about two cats I left behind

    Thanks for all the replies again. I do have some good news. While I don't have her trapped yet- going to try that tonight...a lady did volunteer to take her in and keep her until she can find a good home for her.  Giving her the food she's been eating plus giving her some $ for a vet visit. I...
  15. J

    Worried about two cats I left behind

    I do have a medium sized dog crate- metal cage-like thing.  I'm sure if I tried making something it would look "that crude". Put a blanket in there? Cat litter? I guess I need to get over my "fear" of hurting their feelings or whatever. Just feel bad taking them out of their environment and on...
  16. J

    Worried about two cats I left behind

     I'd be worried she'd really get into things..even tear them up.  It's a finished basement with furniture etc..I doubt I'd get permission to anyway ;(
  17. J

    Worried about two cats I left behind

    I doubt it. There's also a dog here that goes after anything and everything. 
  18. J

    Worried about two cats I left behind

      I did ask about having the cat in the house but was shut down by the family members. The only room not being used would be the basement..slight chance to be able to leave her in the cage and put her on top of the pool table- there are windows right there. But is that a good idea if she has to...
  19. J

    Worried about two cats I left behind

    Yep it's been every day since that last time I skipped a day and saw how starving she was.
  20. J

    Worried about two cats I left behind

    The sign says...I got a live trap set...for the cat outside. Couldn't resist. Yeah the place is vacant. Just got back from there again...she was just sitting there waiting patiently.  Unfortunately I have not seen the male/black one in a few days..but that's how he was when I lived there...