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  1. Stop touching me >.<

    Stop touching me >.<

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  3. S

    Picture Of The Month: Attentive Cats

    My cat Dimitri and my rabbit Midnight staring at my dog Stacia (off camera)
  4. Picture Of The Month: Attentive Cats

    Picture Of The Month: Attentive Cats

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  6. Sleepy cuddle time

    Sleepy cuddle time

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    Least Likely To Be Adopted - Seniors or Special Needs

    Okay, so I decided to take a closer look at the pictures to look at the body language of the cats because of a comment someone else made about the last two cats looking sad. I don't see in the declawed cat, I see stress by the facts that she's taking a cat nap while sitting up and that her fur...
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    Least Likely To Be Adopted - Seniors or Special Needs

    I would recommend the declawed one. Given, out of the three it'll probably be the quickest to adopted out because people will feel bad for her, but she'll end up being returned to shelter right away because declawed cats require more attention. Unlike a cat with a missing limb, a declawed cat...
  10. New friend

    New friend

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  12. S

    Least Likely To Be Adopted - Seniors or Special Needs

    Sadly both are going to be very hard to adopt out. Young and healthy cats are the easiest to adopt out. But there are also several other factors to consider such as breed, size, fur color, patterns on said fur as well as activity levels. If the older cat that has a unique pattern on it's fur, or...
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    Wide Open Mouths - Picture of the Month July 2015

    Yeah, every once in a while. She has a few ither cats and I like to keep track of Pumpkin because he was skin and bones when I found him and covered in lice so it makes me happy to know that he's still in good health and happy. (The previous owner kicked him out when he was just a few weeks old...
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    Wide Open Mouths - Picture of the Month July 2015

    This is pumpkin, a kitten I rescued almost a year ago and rehomed. The new owner sent me this picture.
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    Two kittens need a home

    Yeah well, I figured I'd try. And it's actually the girl that's the most trouble. Jiji (that's the boy) at least knows his name and almost always comes when called.
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    The quick in my cats claw is not where it should be

    Okay, so I've been keeping it covered and and it's healing on it's own. I've also been cleaning and washing it regularly so as to make sure it doesn't get infected. I still don't know why it's out in the first place because he doesn't do anything that would result in this. He rarely even uses...
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    Hello non-fur covered friends.

    Tempting but sadly I'm afraid I might not be able to afford them. And because it's just a skin irritation it's easy for me to avoid by simply making sure that the cats don't stay in contact with my skin for too long. That, and since I'm not allergic to my cat and plan on adopting out the kittens...
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    Tuxedo Cats ;)

    Thank you.