Search Results

  1. wendalore

    Pureed cat food, do they make it1?

    Ive been struggling to find a cat food that my cat will eat a decent amount of without leaving 1/3 of it in the dish.  First of all, he'll only eat chicken. Second of all, he'll only eat patee. Third of all, he rejects almost every single cat food I give him even if it is chicken and patee.  I...
  2. wendalore

    Do I have to free feed my kitten, kitten kibble?

    November 27,  2015 Dear people-who-know-more-about-cats-than-me, I have a kitten that is about 5 months old, a dark tortie, and she is SO SWEET!! She is a rescue. I want her to be as healthy as possible so I have a big bowl of kitten-kibble down for her all the time plus she gets 2 meals of...