Search Results

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    I have a joke

    What did God say after he created Adam? I can do better!
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    Un-interesting pictures

    I saw this on another forum I joined about a year ago and everyone had a laugh with it. You post the most boring pictures of absolutly anything, the more boring the funnier. A snickers wrapper
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    Un-photogenic Polly

    Im trying to have a wash and you have to disturb me by dangling something on my head and shoving that camera thingy in my face..Oh please!!
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    Me dressed as a cat!

    I thought I would share these pictures with you. They were taken on new years eve, me and my cousin dressed up as cats. I was Queen Caticus, queen of the cats (made it up myself!) we had a brilliant night and I loved being a cat for the evening.
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    Clever cat pictures

    I thought I would start of a thread for clever cat pics. Here is Polly using her paw to look out of the blinds, just like a human would.
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    I feel guilty if I leave my mums cat Polly out so heres some pictures of her. The first one is Polly and Martini asleep awwwwww
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    Hello Im Vicky with me is my cat Martini Ive also bought along my mums cat Polly. Polly is on the left in this picture. Polly is 9 years old and Martini is only 19 months old.
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    This is my cat Martini, she's 19 months old and half british blue short hair.