Search Results

  1. K

    Kitten with heart problem and can't be neutered... And is spraying everywhere!!

    I'm at a loss as to what to do. I got a male Russian blue kitten around three months ago, and found out soon thereafter that he has a congenital heart defect. He is on heart meds currently, and shows no external symptoms as of the moment, but the vet indicated that he would probably only live...
  2. K

    3-Month-Old Kitten With an Abnormal Tricuspid Valve?

    I recently adopted a 3-month-old male Russian Blue kitten. Unfortunately, an emergency arose at work, and I had to postpone taking him to the vet until a week and a half after adopting him. When I did so, I was told he had a heart murmur, and that he needed an MRI to make sure that it wasn't...
  3. K

    Evo Ferret Food for Kitten?

    I few months ago I was considering buying ferret, and in the process of getting supplies prepared, I bought EVO ferret food. Midway in the preparation process, I decided to get a kitten instead (it wasn't a rush decision! I waited a couple months and did my research!) I now have a beautiful 10...