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  1. kerri21

    Adopted a Kitten Back in November, This is The Kind Of Behavior She Shows To Us

    Has she been fixed? And has this behavior been going on since you adopted her?
  2. kerri21

    Mystery sudden death

    I am so sorry for your loss Peace from over the rainbow, Perry
  3. kerri21

    Roommates cat always left home alone!

    How absolutely appalling of your roommate! The poor thing must be very sad and lonely Thank you so much for caring! I hope that some way this situation can be resolved
  4. kerri21

    New to the cat world; advice needed for adopted cat

    The first thing to do is to take him to a vet for a check up and get a better health history on him, is he de-clawed, neutered, etc The other thing to remember with an older cat is that they can be very set in their ways by then. Try a variety of litter and I would take the cover off to see if...
  5. kerri21

    Why does my kitten lick me so much?

    Hi TCS My kitten is about 10 weeks old (she was abandoned and i adopted her). She is a little rugrat but has my heart completely. I just wanted to find out if it is normal for cats to lick you as much as she licks me. And if so, what does it mean? Is it anything to be worried about? I have...
  6. kerri21


    I think keeping her separate and feeding her separate is probably best until she is settled. Sometimes feeding the mom and the kittens in the same room but divided (so they cannot see or get to each other) can also help with the introduction processes. This way they can smell each other and get...
  7. kerri21

    Has anyone tried marijuana to help treat IBD in cats?

    I agree that many human medications (if not most) are toxic to animals and should never be given to your pets without veterinarian supervision. However in this case I think marijuana is worth a shot and judging by the amount of articles I have read here I think there is sufficient scientific...
  8. kerri21

    Ideas for healthy treats

    Never seen it before but will shop around and see if I can find any
  9. kerri21

    Cat hugging my leg?

    My kitten also does this, usually when I am not paying enough attention to her and she wants to be cuddled. Or she will climb up because she is curious as to what I am doing like when I am washing the dishes. Don't worry, it is not because she does not get enough attention it's because she...
  10. kerri21

    Ideas for healthy treats

    Are they able to digest goat's milk better than cow's? I know that dairy is not very good for cat's but never considered the idea of goat dairy!! Thanks for the suggestion! will definately give it a shot
  11. kerri21

    Ideas for healthy treats

    I just discovered that she loves eggs this weekend (have only had her for two weeks) I, personally, don't eat liver but it is a good idea to go get some and cook it up for her thanks for all your suggestions!!
  12. kerri21

    Ideas for healthy treats

    She is not so into veggies, even though i have been trying my best to get her to try some. I want her diet to be quite varied so I will keep trying to find some that she will take to!! I will remember the tip about the pumpkin, very helpful, thank you!
  13. DSC_0864.JPG


  14. kerri21

    Ideas for healthy treats

    Hi TCS I am looking for some healthy treats to give my kitten. She does not really take to cat treats, also I live in South Africa so a lot of the brands you might suggest I will most probably not be able to find here. For instance, my best friend has a border collie who gets Bulgarian yogurt...
  15. kerri21

    Hello from Taro and myself in South Africa

    Thank you so much!
  16. kerri21

    Need help, cat peeing and pooping all over livingroom and cant work out whats wrong.

    She will cry because it is another change to her routine but as long as you keep a strict one with her now she will settle in. It is also good she marked her bed, she now sees it as her own. My kitty has marked my bed and the couch I usually occupy and those are the places she feels most safe...
  17. kerri21

    Being a cat: a Basic How To Guide

    Hi All Thought you would all enjoy this piece, it definitely gave me a giggle Have a great day, TCS!!
  18. kerri21

    My cat stands in litter box but pees outside of box, help!

    Hi I had the same problem with my kitten. How many litterboxes do you currently have per cat? Some cats prefer having two litterboxes, one for pee and one for poop. Naturally their instinct is to pee and poop in different places in the wild. Getting another litterbox might solve the issue. I...