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  1. K

    Nu Pound Kitty: big issues, need help

    Some of you may remember I lost my kitty Oscar to an errant car a few weeks ago, and today adopted Remy (2yrs, domshrthr) from the local Humane S. folks. He's a total lover boy, and I want to nurse him well, and make him one of our family, but I fear Peritonitis big time now, plus, DAMN, the...
  2. K

    KitKatMom learned Oscar was hit by car- nd advice about Francis

    I started a new thread because this is mostly about what you all advise I do in re: getting Francis a new companion. But I found out from a neighbor that Oscar was found with his little head crushed, (thank I didn't see him actually) and someone saw a car speeding out of our sleepy development...
  3. K

    Oscar, KitKatMom's baby found dead

    My cat Oscar, 12, has been allowed to go out here in the semi-wilds of Florida (still rural mostly), mainly because if I don't allow him out he incessantly scratches at the door and has ripped up plenty enough of it for me to have just given into him after three weeks here (moved in 1 year ago)...
  4. K

    Giving a pill to kitty- it's a joke kids!

    How to give a cat a pill: 1) Pick cat up and cradle it in the crook of your left arm as if holding a baby. Position right forefinger and thumb on either side of cat's mouth and gently apply pressure to cheeks while holding pill in right hand. As cat opens mouth pop pill into mouth and allow cat...
  5. K

    Reminder about FIP fatality and letting go

    I have read the wonderful information in these forums about FIP (feline infectious perotonitis), but the threads are pretty old. I just want to say here, on a newer thread, that I adopted an 8 week old kitty in 2000 from the ASPCA which at that time had bad diarreaha and sniffles, but those...
  6. K

    Cats being cool walking on a leash- advice

    If anyone wants to know the trick to acclimating a cat to walk happily on a leash (and mine prefers those extendo-leashes that reel out), I'd be happy to share my experience and success with it. Rather than get into it ad nauseum just yet, if a couple of you express interest in knowing my...
  7. K

    Kitties can't resist certain sound

    Hi ya'all, I'm new here. I have two mature male kitties, both neutered early on, and neither one has bad habits (well, okay one will shred paper left on the floor and mutilate toilet paper rolls if he can grab one). But they both do something none of my other kitty companions over the years...
  8. K

    New boys on the block

    These are my live-in boyfriends, Oscar and Francis. Oscar (12, the top pic, grey one) moved in at age 6 weeks when he implored me to get him out of the filthy Sonoma County, CA pound, and Francis (8) was 2 when he escaped from a frat house and chose our place to hang out. The boys get along...