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  1. K

    nail clipping for the first time

    I have my clippers and I'm really nervous! Tiffini needs a sedative for her vet visits and with her bring 16 he suggested I clip her nails at home. Perhaps to lessen her anxiety but heighten mine?! I'm all read up and have the instructions imbedded on my brain but I'm not exactly looking...
  2. K

    boosters and annuals

    Brady is set to go in for her yearly round of shots this month, mainly rabies, FIP and I believe either her FIV or giardia. My vet nurse was busy to get me all the info and I'm just going by everything she received last year so I may be wrong about the giardia needing annuals. I've been reading...
  3. K

    slurping/clucking noises?

    Ally has been making these noises, I hate to say since she's gained weight, I never noticed it when she was little. Her tongue makes a clucking sound like we can with our tongues and the roof of our mouth. She does this when she eats, drinks and bathes, its getting a little annoying b/c its so...
  4. K

    Don't think its ringworm but can't pinpoint anything else!

    I'm not sure if I should take my kitten to the vet or not. She has tiny black dots all around one nipple and a little on it and on two more the dots are fainter and smaller but not bumpy. When I first found her she did have flea dirt and was treated and I thought that was possibly it. She's been...
  5. K

    bad reaction to distemper shot

    Ally (4yrs) went to the vet Monday for her distemper shot. She got a clean bill of health but after I brought her home I noticed she kept roaming from room to room like she was looking for something, she also vomited 6 different times and her eyes were weeping heavily. The vet said to bring her...