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  1. S

    Help With Cat That Has Had Sinus Problems For Years

    Never hurts to ask the vet, but it doesn't seem seasonal of cyclical so I don't think it is allergies.
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    Help With Cat That Has Had Sinus Problems For Years

    Over the years we have changed food (due to other cats health issues) and that has never made a difference (we use Muse and Blue soft/hard foods now). We do use a dusty litter but that doesn't explain why her symptoms come and go and why the antibiotic worked so well in the beginning. Other...
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    Help With Cat That Has Had Sinus Problems For Years

    My kitty (Montana) has had bouts on and off her whole life with runny nose, sneezing with discharge, and coughing. When she was young we thought it might have been seasonal allergies and the vet gave us Benadryl. The first pill didn't go down and she drooled for 30 minutes all over the house...
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    Constipated Cat but when she goes poop is HUGE and moist and smelly

    Everything I read about constipation and cats talks about small dry hard feces.  Our cat has had this problem of not being able to go and straining (usually throwing up) and then straining some more until she gets out an almost human size stool that is moist and very smelly. Before I see the...