Search Results

  1. S

    Litterbox Location Suggestions - Apartment

    Hello. I know I don't post much, I read but only occasionally speak up. But I've always got good advice and suggestions in the past. We (me, husband, 1 male neutered cat) currently live in a 1 bedroom apartment that's around 665 sqft. We're planning on moving to a larger 2 bedroom (930 sqft)...
  2. S

    Suggestions and/or What to look for?

    I've been doing a lot of searching here and wonder if anyone could boil it down for me. What do I look for in a cat food? I know by-products are bad, and I'm learning that grains are too. Didn't know that. What else? Here's my sitch. I've had Hobbs for 10 years. He's healthy if a little chubby...
  3. S

    Another Newbie

    Hello all. I'm also new to this site, which was recommended to me by a few other folks on another message board I frequent. I'm Sabrina, 27, live in Chicagoland with my fiance, and have one cat, Hobbs. Hobbs will be 6 in March, is a short haired domestic. He's tawny colored, with slightly...