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  1. Ziggy


  2. IMG_1460.JPG


  3. BabyZiggy.jpg


  4. Leeloo3.jpg


  5. kittychair.jpg


  6. Leeloo6months.jpg


  7. Leeloo


  8. IMG_0222.JPG


  9. Image


  10. Forum Attachments

    Forum Attachments

  11. Y

    do the cats know I'm pregnant??

    I think its really cute! Leeloo is so protective, but there have been a few times where I almost tripped over her and fell because she's always walking under my feet!! I really wonder how they are going to be with the baby, I'm not too worried since they are both very gentle cats and both do...
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    do the cats know I'm pregnant??

    I've been noticing a change in Leeloo's behavior (she's 7 yrs old I've had her since she was a kitten) lately, I'm currently 14 weeks pregnant with my first, and Leeloo has just been very attached to me! If I go to bed early my husband will close the door to keep out light or noise and if Leeloo...
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    Ziggy says Happy Halloween!

    I have an awesome pirate kitty!! I know a lot of you remember Ziggy from all the stories I posted about his eye and his surgery a few years ago so I thought I'd share this photo of him that I just took so you guys could see how well he's doing he also has a pirate collar but I can't seem to...
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    black spot on tongue

    thank you he's always had black spots on his gums, and its possible I just never noticed the spot on his tongue before I saw it a few years ago but I'm not sure. I'll keep you guys updated on it
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    black spot on tongue

    thanks everyone <3 the reason I'm hoping its not melanoma was that the vet told me that if it did spread from his eye it would spread to organs like his liver or lungs although I had a different vet tell me it would show up in his other eye while the first vet told me that wouldn't happen. so I...
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    black spot on tongue

    I am really scared of finding spots, because almost 3 years ago when I found some weird black spots in Ziggy's eye they turned out to be melanoma and he had to have his eye removed. I posted about it here when it happened I don't know if anyone remembers though XP anyway for awhile now maybe...
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    'catkins diet'

    so my Ziggy weighed in at 17 lbs at his yearly check up a few weeks ago. he doesn't have diabetes but my vet recommended the 'catkins' diet for me to prevent more weight gain and eventually getting diabetes. he gave me a list of wet food that I should serve him and I can NOT get him to eat it...
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    he did have that vaccine administered nasally... I called the vet today and asked them if that could be the cause of it and they said just to be sure to bring him in. i have another cat and I'm just worried that she could catch what he has if it wasn't caused by the vaccine
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    my cat's been sneezing a lot this morning and I was just wondering when should I be concerned? he had his annual vet check up just this past wednesday and he was fine then so I'm wondering if he might have picked up a little cold from the vets office? any help would be very much appreciated
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    kitty dandruff

    So Leeloo has had some dandruff for a little while and I've tried different kinds of food to help but it never fully goes away. I try to brush her (she's a short hair cat) but she hates it, she's a very timid tortie so its a bit difficult to do things like brush her/trim nails etc... I was...