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  1. songroiyisipet

    My cat use to be indoors, now she has a lot of land. How can I make her poop outside?

    I did that and it worked!! This is my third day without any smell on my house!! I built a pet door today so now I don´t even have to wake up in the middle of the night to open the door!! She is so amazing!! She loves it!! Thank you for the tip!!
  2. songroiyisipet

    My cat use to be indoors, now she has a lot of land. How can I make her poop outside?

    First night without her box and pooped in the sink!! But I believe she did some outside. I also try to keep her most of the time outside but my door is always open so she does what she wants. HAHA!! We will win this one!!!!
  3. songroiyisipet

    My cat use to be indoors, now she has a lot of land. How can I make her poop outside?

    Hello!! My cat is still young and she grew up indoors but now we moved to a new house where she has plenty of nature to run and be free! But she still uses the litter box!! I hope somebody helps me changing that habit!! Thank you