Search Results

  1. T

    kisses please

    anyone entering or leaving these premises is required to give me kisses. anyone failing to do so will be met with my pillowie paws of fury
  2. T

    shavey butt

    i was mindin my own business when my owner came home early one day the next thing i know i got shavey butt, i was not happy my boo-boo most likely arose from an altercation of some sort (slap!) because someone around here is a bit of a primadonna but im healed up good and since i...
  3. T

    new kitty, the road warrior UPDATE

    my mom got her new kitty a few weeks ago, poor thing was in bad shape now shes all better and frisky as ever, and since shes not fixed yet that says ALOT! she still has a tiny spot with no fur but other than that shes a poo now, her name is Maddie. George still isnt thrilled, i...
  4. T

    totally funky kitty

    i found this guy on catster. his name is Finn and he's got the coolest pattern
  5. T

    assorted pics

    more catnip please mmm brushie-brushie kitten mis sisters fuzzies sylvester and chloe wanting a turkey fix
  6. T

    new kitty, the road warrior

    found a new kitty today, well my mom did. we were buzzing about town and passed what my mom thought was a deceased kitty in the center median of the freeway we were on. she didnt mention it to me. we passed the same spot about an hour later and by that time she mentioned that something didnt...