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  1. malakai711

    awww Berryyyy

    Tonight I went to my brothers house to have dinner with my SIL and the kids... While I was sitting on the couch their cat, Berry, jumped up on the table behind me and was licking and bumping my head... She's so sweet... and it made me miss my kitties I can't wait till I have my own apartment...
  2. malakai711


    It's the most wonderful time of the year!! LOL I Halloween!! So, I'm thinking - since my sister and I aren't on speaking terms at the moment, which rules out the option of a big halloween party like we normally do - that BF & I would just spend the weekend at home having a Halloween Movie...
  3. malakai711

    Venting helps...

    You guys should be very proud of me because despite the desire to argue I think I handled this situation with my boyfriends sister quite well... She BBM'ed me this morning and this was how the conversation went: Mare!: Hey *Lyz*: Hey Mare!: Let me ask u something y doesn't my brother like me...
  4. malakai711

    Look what the cat dragged in...

    It's been several years since I've posted here... I joined TCS when I got my kitten, Malakai... but due to unfortunate circumstances, I had to give him to my friends mom, who takes excellent care of him! But recently, I've been missing the camaraderie of this particular message board... I...
  5. malakai711

    Luigi - the mouse...

    Do you guys think it's true that just the scent of a cat in the house will scare away a mouse?? or is it that they are scared that they'll get eaten?? cuz I have a mouse in my house... which is one of the reasons I didnt want to wait until I got a kitten...
  6. malakai711

    Can I get a "welcome back"? LoL

    Wow, I just noticed that the last time I logged on was December 31, 2006... My bday... hehe... So, here I am... Its been a while and stuff's been happening recently that just sucks! Adrian and I have gone our separate ways... Well, he's gone his way.. and I've stayed right here trying to locate...
  7. malakai711

    Vacation anyone??

    Hey everyone!! I havent been around in a little while... I've been really busy at work but I had the best news to tell you... I finally got my raise!!! $3 extra an hour!! WOOHOO! So, here's my plan... I'm going to save at least $100 out of every paycheck until my paid vacation comes up in...
  8. malakai711

    I really need some advice...

    Hey everyone... Long time no post! lol... I've been meaning to get on and check out the boards but I've been so busy... between working and moving I have barely any time to do anything, least of all sleep... I'm so exhausted... I'm actually at work as I'm posting this... trying my very hardest...
  9. malakai711

    How much more can she take??

    I'm so upset right now... I just called my best friend and she told me that over the weekend while on vacation her mother had a stroke and is in a coma... She's in a hospital in Central Jersey and my friend, her husband and her daughter are staying in a nearby hotel... I don't know what to say...
  10. malakai711

    ewww... gross!!

    I went for my drug test yesterday since I started a new job. Well, the last time I had gone for a drug test I remember them taking blood.. which I dont mind at all because I really dont have any problem with needles... I have nothing to worry about because I dont do drugs (never have) so that...
  11. malakai711

    Malakai's 2nd Birthday!!

    Happy 2nd Birthday, Malakai!! Mommy and Papi miss u very much... I love you with all my heart and I can't wait till you're home with us again...
  12. malakai711

    New job jitters...

    Hey everyone... So, I finally found a new job... No more S&S for me! After I got suspended I decided to just get another job and forget about going back... a friend of mine got me a job with his company as a security dispatcher... I'm thrilled!! It's wayy more money than I was making at S&S...
  13. malakai711

    Hi Everyone

    Wow, it's been a while since I've been here... Things have been really busy and I havent had much time online... I just wanted to come thru and say hi to everyone... hopefully I'll be able to visit more often... How is everyone doing?? What's been going on with the boards?? I see we have a new...
  14. malakai711

    Today was productive :)

    Hey everyone... I decided to take the day off today... I worked 10 hours yesterday because the snow storm kept everyone from coming into work... so I figured I'd stay home and relax... besides I had to make a bunch of phone calls in preparation for the move back home... My uncle and I brought...
  15. malakai711

    Bringing Malakai home....

    Okay.. I've been thinking about this a lot for the last few days... If I take this apartment in the city I'll be able to get Malakai from jersey and bring him home with me... but I'm a little nervous about how he's going to react... I dont know if he's gonna remember me... and if he does... I...
  16. malakai711

    Need vibes!! pleaseeeee

    Hi hi! Well, I've been keeping this to myself because I'm afraid that if I get my hopes up it wont work out but I really need some good luck vibes right about now... As you all know, I've been living with my aunt and uncle for the last 8 months and I've been saving money to get an apartment...
  17. malakai711

    RIP Garfield...

    I'm sure you all remember a few months back when I posted a thread for my friend Nicole... She had lost her dog, Rebel, and I thought that it would help to know that all of our love, support and prayers were with her... Well... I just thought everyone could extend that same support and prayers...
  18. malakai711

    Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays!!

    Hey Everyone!! I was sitting here sending out emails to the few people I feel I should wish a Happy Holiday and I realized, of all the people in my life, my friends at TCS deserve it the most for listening to me all year long and giving the best advice you all know how... Thank you so much...
  19. malakai711

    An early xmas gift from Mommy Dearest!

    Hey guys... I haven't been around for a while because I've been very busy with work... as u knew I was working and saving money so my mother could move up from Florida and get an apartment with me... well I had $2200... my mother came up... we found an apartment... and not even 5 hours after I...
  20. malakai711

    Finally... Some Good News!! :-D

    I actually have so much good news I dont know where to start... Okay... let's start with the most exciting news of the day! I got tickets to see Dave Matthews Band, again!! December 9th at Madison Square Garden!!! YAY Okay.. that's first... now... the other good news... as u all know, I've...