Search Results

  1. friend4life

    Third Eye - Cant Find Problem

    My outside cat came up to me the other day with both of her eyes rolled back in her head. She has been find the prior day, her usual, energetic self. I took her immediately to the vet. She was diagnosed with having hookworms and having a yeast infection in her ear. Given a CBC and checked for...
  2. friend4life

    Black Lab Dragged Down Road In Texas

    Hello Everyone, I have a pastor friend of mine in Texas with whom I correspond with on a regular basis..Thought you might have seen or should view this news story. My friend wrote me and informed me that his sister has adopted this lab. How could anyone in their right mind do such a thing ...
  3. friend4life

    Igloo Houses For Cats

    Hey Everyone, Ive seen those indigo igloo houses for dogs at the store here. I was wondering what you all thought about them as far as using it a a shelter for my cats in the winter. I thought I could get one and set it up on the porch, pile some wheat straw in it too. I even see where they...
  4. friend4life

    Caring For Ferral After Neutering

    Hi yall, Its been a long time since Ive visited. Everything has gotten pretty guiet here now after we had a huge stray dog issue several months ago. Im down to 5 cats now as to the 18 I had when I first posted about a year ago. Today my only male cat, Rocky went for his neutering (the...
  5. friend4life

    Mylar Blankets

    What are the best websites (and most reasonable) to buy there any stores that sell mylar blankets, other than PetSmart? We filled the hole under the steps that we made as a place for the cats to feed, with wheat straw and my husband put a little light in there. Ive only seen one or...
  6. friend4life

    Ferral Warming Mat..Who Remembers?

    I saw a post here last winter in regard to something you could put in the ferrals sleep area that they could lie on to help them retain body heat. And I remember looking at the website that someone had posted a link to but lost the information. It was a silver mat type thing and I remember the...
  7. friend4life

    Kicking Myself for Taking Vets Advice

    I posted on another area here that my cat (who was just a little over 1) was put to sleep today. I have been caring for a group of outside cats here for my mammy in law. My cat Star had been listless for 2 days, not eating, and had labored vomiting convulsing...
  8. friend4life

    Star Put Down Today..Something Toxic

    Sad day here....been crying my eyes out. One of the ferrals I have been caring for had to be put down today. I noticed for the last two days she had been laying around, not eating and only drinking a few sips of water. This morning, she was really bad. She was like a dishrag lying around...
  9. friend4life

    Dull Coat?

    Hello everyone! Its been awhile since Ive posted as things have seemed to settle down here on the cat farm LOL. Ive looked at the grooming posts but havent seen an answer to this. Ive noticed most of my ferrals have a wirey type fur, all except for Midnight (he must have been from the...
  10. friend4life

    Ears Peeling

    Crybaby is one of my ferrals (white and black one in picture below) and her ears are pink with practically no hair on them. I think perhaps this winter she had frostbite and how I notice that they are peeling. Is there anything I can do for her poor little ears, especially now that she is out...
  11. friend4life

    What Kind Of Shelter Do You Have, If Any?

    Im curious as to what kind of shelter if any do those of you who care for ferrals provide? Have you made or purchased anything to keep them out of the weather, the rain or in winter the cold? Mine just basically go under the trailer next door, or sometimes we can here them walking in what I...
  12. friend4life

    ? Re: Cat Injury And The Birds& The Bees

    We have several tom cats on the property and I have a question. I notice that when a female is in heat the male mounts her and bites her neck. Well, we have two particular toms here that seem to be getting into scraps lately, but I notice it always the one tom laying on the ground in...
  13. friend4life

    Kitten Appeared From Hiding Place Today

    Hi Everyone For anyone who has been following my posts, (I know they have been hard to track because I have had so many and need soooo much advice !). For those of you who do not, I had an Ole' granny ferral cat who delivered 6 kittens 5 weeks ago. She had taken them and hid them away up...
  14. friend4life

    Care of Ferrals After Spaying--Need Info

    Hi guys! Hey, I promise. After I get these animals all spayed and neutered I will be quiet for awhile ! Okay, so could someone please tell me what to do after I get these females back from the vet? Is it okay to let them go, or do I need to keep them in the carrier for a day or two? If I...
  15. friend4life

    New To Trap Ferral Quickly

    Well Hello Everyone I need help AGAIN. Thank God for the advisors and my friends on here who must chuckle to theirself when they read my posts. my dilemma has been that I have been caring for my mammy in laws "yard cats" since her fall (she's 94) and the brood has grown from 4 to...
  16. friend4life

    Kittens Used in Dog Fights?? !!

    As you all know I have been calling all over TN to try and get my ferrals spayed/neutered. Memphis Animal Rescue called me back yesterday. They dont take any "customers" outside Shelby County (Im in Henderson). The woman was very sympathetic to my needs, but unfortunately there was nothing...
  17. friend4life

    Can Kittens Stay In Door Overnite Without Mama?

    Hi everyone, I had asked this question at the bottom of my last post in regard to my granny cat, but as it might get over looked there, Im posting it again. The ones that respond to my posts on a regular basis know the situation at my house in regard to my husbands opposition to cats being in...
  18. friend4life

    Feeling Hopeful

    Hello Everyone, Im almost afraid to get my hopes up, but I called and left a Message at Animal Protection in Memphis (thanks to YaYas Mom). When I pressed the button in regard to spaying, the recording said they are a non profit organization that (considering your income) will spay domestics...
  19. friend4life

    Well, The Old Granny Cat Had Her Kittens Today

    Hello everyone, We the old granny cat from my pack of twelve had her kittens this evening. I told my husband that it seemed strange to me today that she tried to beat me in the house one time. This mamma never really hanged around me, unless it was meal time. But its like she KNEW that today...
  20. friend4life

    Opossum Troubles

    Hello everyone, Its me problem Sally again ! I have to tell you I dont know what I would do without you guys helping me through my dilemmas with caring for all these outdoor cats. For those of you who have read my posts, Crybaby made it fine through the animal bite when she was a kitten and...