Search Results

  1. J

    Black Stuff In Cats Ears

    My cat has always had a lot of ear wax but she is super skittish so it’s hard to clean them as much as I like. This morning we got her and she a lot of black stuff in her ears. I don’t believe it’s ear mites as I had she ha had this issues for years but if she did have an infection as say to a...
  2. J

    Just Diagnosed Flutd Cat

    hi my cat just had a blockage and was in the hospital for 5 days The vet said prescription food for the rest of his life. He gave me hills dry I am not thrilled with this Any suggestions of food brands and or treats that would be good Thanks
  3. J

    Kitten got two rabies shots ina month by accident at vet

    He got one last month and one today. The vet said it was ok but should I be worried?
  4. J

    3 year old cat with bad breath

    Hi, My cat has really bad breath. It seems to have gotten worse. Her teeth are perfectly white, no red gums. nothing unusual. Tried brushing her teeth, stuff in water. She is super skittish, very hard to catch. No denying I think she needs to go to the vet but can some cats just have bad...
  5. J

    Help with new kitten and other cAt

    Just looking for ideas We have a three year old cat who is rather skittish. She was found abandoned alone and then went to a foster where she was alone until we got her as a kitten. She never really took to my daughter and has with me She isn't the type of cat you can pet, she comes to you...
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    Food for diabetic cat

    My cat was just recently diagnosed and I'm having a really hard time feeding him . I have tried a tons of food. Any dry anyone can recommend low card for now
  7. J

    Lasix side effects?

    Hi has anyone's cats in this have issues with excessive drinking and urination? He just had blood work but not urinalysis.
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    Cat has fluid around heart and either a mass or lymph node n chest

    He was given meds. Anyone have expierence with this?
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    Cat throwing up undigested food every couple of days

    He had one hairball today but it's been going on for two weeks. Any ideas what it could be? He is immediately hungry after he throws up
  10. J

    Cat not eating due to stress

    My older cat had been sick and had been back and forth to the vet and emergency vet. My younger cat who is about three had anxiety as is and the situation has made it worse as she is very attached to my older cat. she threw up on Thursday ( this is probably the third time in her life) and has...
  11. J

    Cat not eating due to stress

    My older cat had been sick and had been back and forth to the vet and emergency vet. My younger cat who is about three had anxiety as is and the situation has made it worse as she is very attached to my older cat. she threw up on Thursday ( this is probably the third time in her life) and has...
  12. J

    My cat is at the emergency vet because his bloodwork came back with

    Extremely high liver count. The vet wanted me to rush him. They did an ultrasound and he seems to have a liver infection which they are going to treat with fluids for dehydration and antibiotics. My question is has anyone had experience with this? How long will he be there :(
  13. J

    Has anyone cats had kidney issues? How much peeing and drinking is too much.

    ANy advice would be helpful. He takes steroids which can make him a bit more thirsty. Thank you
  14. J

    I gave my cat his meds (pred and heart) and one of the pills got stuck

    And he immediately threw up. Do I give him more pills?
  15. J

    How much water drinking is too much?

    I can't tell if my cat is drinking much water? His peeing is the same, no other issues. But for the past two days, I feel like he's drinking too much. Thanks
  16. J

    Does anyone know if a cat with heart disease can take cerenia or reglan

    With out any issues? Thanks
  17. J

    any suggestions for food toppers or appetite simulators for cat?

    My cat has ibd and he does take meds but when he gets his flareups  he needs a boost to eat. ANy suggestions?
  18. J

    Cat stool color

    My cat has IBD so we run into some loose stool a lot I have him in meds and probiotics and his stool has been much better in form but is still that diarrhea color. Is this normal?
  19. J

    Cat can't seem to get comfortable last couple of days

    I'm not sure if I should be worried. He has IBD and a heart condition. He isn't doing anything else abnormal except twitching his ear. I looked except for some a bit of ear wax nothing else. He keeps going to sit them moving into another position. How would I know if he is in pain?