Search Results

  1. squishee

    Paw pad injury

    Hi I was hoping for advice for my mums cat. My elderly Gran accidentally stepped on my mums cat and gazed his paw pad badly. He always had soft paw pads anyway and the whole of the main pad was skinned. We immediately took him to the vet who were more concerned about telling us how odd his pad...
  2. squishee

    Tail Injury

    Hi all, think my little one has been fighting. Had a wound to his tail 2 weeks ago went to vet to get anti biotics & cone of shame, all healed nicely. On Sunday I noticed a new wound lower down his tail this time so put the cone back on but it's too low and he can still reach it. I've been...
  3. squishee

    Stressed kitty

    Hi all just looking for general advice. I adopted my cat from a rescue home about a year ago, he's 18 months old. He's always been a shy nervous cat, only comfortable with me. Last week I had to leave him for a week to go away with work and he hid from the cat sitter all week and last Friday...
  4. squishee


    Hey guys, my cat, 14 months old came in soaking wet from the rain the night before last and now has diarrhoea. I'm sure it's nothing serious and he's just caught a chill (though I towel dried him when he came in) He's eating normally. Thing is he's never been much for drinking water. He loves...
  5. squishee

    BIZARRE kitten behaviour!

    Hi all, I've had my kitten for about a month, he's 8 months old we think. He's a rescue was found as a stray so we don't know much about him. He's generally been quite normal apart from tonight when I was epilating my legs. He was sleeping in another room and came to investigate which was fine...
  6. squishee

    Desperately Anxious – New kitten not eating

    [if gte mso 9]><xml> <o:OfficeDocumentSettings> <o:AllowPNG/> </o:OfficeDocumentSettings></xml><![endif]Hi there, I adopted a new kitten from a rescue home on Saturday. A 7 month old tabby stray. He hadn’t been there for long only a few days and in that time he’d been neutered and chipped. They...