Search Results

  1. devviepuu

    Sentry Hc Good Behavior Pheromone Cat Calming Collar Worth It?

    i have had excellent luck with my cats and calming collars, though one of them in particular responds better to the pheromone diffuser. i find they last about 3 weeks, maybe a bit more? good luck!
  2. devviepuu

    What Is The Weirdest Thing Your Cat Ever Did?

    my weirdos, 2 out of 3 of them, each do something i have never seen a cat do before. my gigantically oversized 14-mo old, the fluff, likes to tear out the fabric under furniture - the sort of light canvas under, say, an ottoman - or more recently, my box spring! i discovered this morning that...
  3. devviepuu

    i think my new kitten is having a vaccine reaction?? trying not to freak out as it seems mild....?

    he had a little backslide after the initial fluids ran through him, but his temperature is back to normal, his white cell count has doubled and he's even gained a little weight from eating again!  i just brought him home from his follow-up vet appointment and she was thrilled with his progress.
  4. devviepuu

    i think my new kitten is having a vaccine reaction?? trying not to freak out as it seems mild....?

    i took the little fluff to my vet and she confirmed fever of unknown origin and noted no infection at his surgical site.  she gave him fluids and bayatril and did a CBC and he's perked up almost immediately.  he ate some of his dinner and just jumped onto my bed for the first time in 24 hours...
  5. devviepuu

    i think my new kitten is having a vaccine reaction?? trying not to freak out as it seems mild....?

    i searched the history for some thoughts on vaccine reaction and came to the post recommending this article: my little dude (approximately 13 weeks) was vaccinated by the shelter on saturday, and also had his alteration surgery.  he was...
  6. devviepuu

    post fight recovery

    thanks, marni.  i think your 'diagnosis' of redirected aggression was spot on, because by thursday night, my two cats were presenting themselves for communal grooming again.  but we had a huge hiccough on friday - i was traveling, and took all 5 cats with me in their own carriers.  due to...
  7. devviepuu

    post fight recovery

    i'm fostering a momma cat and her babies for a few weeks.  they are absolutely delightful.  i have been keeping them cordoned off (in a separate bathroom) from my two resident cats, and things were going great -- for about 24 hours.  early the second morning with our new foster family, momma cat...
  8. devviepuu

    Moving cats between two home regularly

    i travel with my cats by car every week, between the city and my place in the country.  they do fine in the car, and fine in the country house.  all that they hate is the moment of truth when they got into the carrier!  although it does seem that they heave a little sigh of relief when we get...
  9. devviepuu

    the woes and joys of fostering

    --whoops, spoke to soon!  momma sprung free of her isolated room and launched herself at my man artemis.  yikes!  managed to separate them and get everyone back into their corners, and got a few scratches in the process.  now have a baby gate stationed between the spare bathroom and the main bit...
  10. devviepuu

    the woes and joys of fostering

    i just last night picked up my first foster family!  a momma and two kittens.  i was really excited but also rather anxious!  but less than 24 hours in and momma's life philosophy seems to be 'why aren't you petting me right now?'  the two kittens are extremely unaccustomed to giant two-legs...
  11. devviepuu

    two rescues coming home less than 48 hours apart

    had multiple periods of extended mingling over the weekend and even one night where everyone slept happily in my bed.  everyone was eating at the same time and in the same room and it felt like we were making respectable progress and now some definite backsliding. strangely, it seems to be tied...
  12. devviepuu

    two rescues coming home less than 48 hours apart

    we had a bit of a backslide yesterday afternoon.  during a peek-a-boo visit through the cracked door my little boy got a little crouchy and nervous, but did not hiss or growl and allowed me to pet him.   then he proceeded to demonstrate his independence to me for the rest of the night...
  13. devviepuu


    this thread is great!  i consulted with my vet over my new adoptee's stuffy nose, and she suggested most of the advice right here.  i'm monitoring him and then if these things do not help will bring him in to check for URI and secondary infections. in particular the heating up the wet food...
  14. devviepuu

    two rescues coming home less than 48 hours apart

    LOTS going on here today - but room swap was a piece of cake.  little girl NOT happy about going in her carrier (she's still in the cone of shame and not super-into being picked up right now) but very excited to see a bigger piece of space than her "safe room."  little boy zoomed right into...
  15. devviepuu

    two rescues coming home less than 48 hours apart

    so, i do not know if anyone is checking in on me, but this is insane.  am i insane to read good omens in this?   1 - original scent swap went...ok.  little boy took a sniff, scampered off, and turned his back on me. 2 - second scent swap was sort of the same except that he was willing to sit...
  16. devviepuu

    two rescues coming home less than 48 hours apart

    yes, i did ultimately decide to begin the process the proper and slow way, especially since little girl was coming home from being spayed.  she's been great so far - eating, drinking, making urine - and totally unfazed by the scented (mine and his) socks and blanket i left in her basket to...
  17. devviepuu

    two rescues coming home less than 48 hours apart

    hello all, i am a newbie to the forum.  i've recently been bereft of the four-legged love of my life and decided to move on quickly by adopting two new friends from the animal care and control shelter.  friend #1 has been home for about 36 hours and is really starting to settle down and begin to...