Search Results

  1. D

    Litter Box Questions

    I recently added a 6 month stray to my home who is a most welcome furry friend.  Boo (female) joins Sterling, my 14 year old big boy.  Introductions are being taken very slowly with some hissing from my older cat but at a distance.  He sits about 15 feet away and every now and then, lets out a...
  2. D

    Help with first vet visit

    I recently adopted a 6 month old black female feral kitten (2 days ago).  She appears to be adjusting very well and I have her in her own room as I have a senior male cat who is 14 and want to do the introduction right.  She's eating and drinking well and using the litter pan without any...
  3. D

    What a great site!

    My sister told me about this site yesterday and it's great!  I've been a cat lover for many, many years and have always had two cats.  I lost one in August of this year and until then, had two males, both about the same age that were best buddies.  My sister and Mom, who always put up with my...