Search Results

  1. N

    Homocidal Kitty

    Okay, so recently Isis has started becoming very violent towards the general rodent population in our neighborhood. Normally this would thrill me, I love encouraging her natural hunting instinct and allowing her full feline nature to flourish and what not but, now she has started squirrel...
  2. N

    kitty dandruff

    quick question... We moved into an apartment last May, and ever since then Isis has developed dandruff, or something. She's a black cat, so naturally anything white stands out well, but I never noticed it before we moved. Before, we had a house and she was an inside/outside kitty, but now shes...
  3. N

    Nipple Sucking

    So my lovely Isis has a strange issue and I was wondering if anyone had any ideas. See, when she cuddles up to me (or anyone she loves ) she starts purring and then kneading which is all fine and good, I like both those actions, unless she wants to knead on my bare leg then its not so cool...