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  1. N

    Homocidal Kitty

    Yea, I know she's bringing me presents, I'm just worried about her contracting some illness from attacking/eating squirrels. It's actually kinda funny, she's really territorial about it. Usually our dog snatches whatever she has, toy or treat, but he keeps his distance when she's standing over...
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    Homocidal Kitty

    Okay, so recently Isis has started becoming very violent towards the general rodent population in our neighborhood. Normally this would thrill me, I love encouraging her natural hunting instinct and allowing her full feline nature to flourish and what not but, now she has started squirrel...
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    How sad...Hoarder near Denver

    thank you very much my hope is to one day be able to better assist those with mental disorders such as OCD (an be a veternarian, and an astronaut, and save the world ) so things like these dont happen again - at least not with my patients!!! (btw- I wouldnt call it tunnel vision as much as an...
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    How sad...Hoarder near Denver

    I'm a psy major at UNC, and I know that really doesnt make me an expert or anything (far from it, still only a soph. getting my BA!). However, I do know that many people with a mental illness are unable to realize the depths of their situation. A huge symptom of mental illness is dementia...
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    Sweet, but strange

    I honestly couldnt hazard a quess on his lifespan, since cats are very private about their pain and suffering. I think its very sweet that the other two are taking care of Fred, the only thing I could say is our cat and dog take special care of each other when they know someone is sick. But that...
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    Isis likes to dive into the dirty laundry and hang out, and she'll also burrow under a top blanket. She's not aggressive or anything when you uncover her, but she definetly does not like to be taken out! I just pretty much let her do her thing, but it is freaky to open the closet and have 2...
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    New Dining Furniture

    My grandma used to have these, like plastic seat covers for when little kids would eat at the nice table, but I have no idea where she got them. I dont even know if that would be a good idea, my kitty has this thing w/ attacking plastic. But I'm pretty sure if you ask at the store where you got...
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    Cat went insane:(

    theres no rabies in the UK?? thats so weird that stuff like that (diseases and what not) are isolated by countries oo i learned something... I'm sorry about the kitty, what Hissy says makes a lot of sense. I know humans will go into extreme... aggression I guess, for lack of a better word, when...
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    wHaT are U cHasINg!?!?!?

    my kitty does this she gets all excited for no reason, does a few laps around the apt, then just sits down, licks a paw, and is all calm again. She also goes nuts for bugs, but shes a stalker not so much a chaser. She'll sit for a long time staring at something crawling down by the baseboards...
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    What Does It Mean? (Newbie Question)

    Isis does this, she starts by rubbing her head into my fist, then its like she tries to scratch her gums or something... Its weird, and after a while her teeth start to hurt, so I usually push her away after a while.
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    Going outside

    I dont know if this is possible, but we keep the litter box in the laundry room w/ a baby gate (so the doggy cant get into it) so that would be a good way to prevent baby from exploring in the wrong places.
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    Does your cat greet you?

    Isis runs to the door when she hears me coming up the apt stairs, and waits with her front end stretched out like she scratching the floor, like she just happened to be clawing the carpet by the door when I came home then she follows me around, mauwing till I sit down and give her a few good...
  13. N

    Do your cats play with make-shift toys?

    Grocery bags - so easy! rolll the bag up, tie a knot (maybe a couple) in the middle, and snip the long ends off. Best ball ever, the plastic is so light that every light tap of the paw sends it flyin - great for if your cat plays fetch, perfect size for kitty mouth to carry comfortably. lots...
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    kitty dandruff

    Yea, I've tried taking her out, but she doenst dig the leash so much, she just kinda hunches up and looks around... Before she had the run of the neighborhood so I think being tethered to me kinda bothers her... We'll be moving to a house again soon so I might just make her stick it out a few...
  15. N

    kitty dandruff

    quick question... We moved into an apartment last May, and ever since then Isis has developed dandruff, or something. She's a black cat, so naturally anything white stands out well, but I never noticed it before we moved. Before, we had a house and she was an inside/outside kitty, but now shes...
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    Nipple Sucking

    oo that might make me a little jealous!!! thank you everyone for posting though, even though she seems determined to keep her habit, at least she's not the only weirdo out there maybe I'll get her a friend so they can hang out and suck each other's nipples, I dont think our dog sits still...
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    Feral cat with a Temper

    I'm sorry! I didnâ€8482t mean to imply that you're keeping George hostage against his will; obviously he trusts you and enjoys his current situation. All I meant was really that if your roommates are not being as proactive in assisting George in his fear of the situation, then he is going to...
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    Feral cat with a Temper

    Poor little dude.... I agree with Hissy though, cats can definetly fight back and maybe this guy would be better as an outdoors cat that you keep a close eye on... I know you said that he doesnt interact very much w/ the other roommates, and they dont really want to hang out with him much due to...
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    Why's he meow so much?

    maybe he likes the sound of his own voice