Search Results

  1. rustypocket

    Indoor cat showing feral behaviour

    Hello all, I currently live in an apartment with two cats of mine; Hasan (neutered boy, little over a year old) and Kotka (girl, little over 6 months), both of which are almost exclusively indoor cats (Hasan is a door darter, he's rarely outside for longer then 12 hours....). Anyway, Kotka, was...
  2. rustypocket

    New kitten in the yard

    Hey all. My family has been feeding an outdoor semi-feral queen for about 4 years now I am slowly transiting her into being an exclusively indoor cat. I already had topic on her here about a month ago. Basically, Minka stays indoors for 3-4 days in a row and then my mum or granny let her out...
  3. rustypocket

    Stolen Kitty Back Home

    Hello everybody. This is a true story (drama if you'd like) that happened to my cousin 3 days ago. My cat Minka had kittens last July/August, we rehomed them and gave one to my cousin and her family. My niece, her daughter, is 3 so it was time for her to get first pet. Anyways, 3 days ago, my...
  4. rustypocket

    Nobody wants him!?!?

    Hello everyone. Now, these are pictures I came across on FB profile of a volounteer organisation that takes care of ferals and strays in Croatia. And I am morethen shocked.  According to what they say, he's 6 mo feral kitten saved from street, and he's being fostered for 4 months. GOSH, I...
  5. rustypocket

    Torbie vs. Tortie?

    Hello everyone. I hope this is the right forum for my question. OK. It's not really what my cat looks like, rather a general question. What's the difference between Torbies and Torties? Also, Calicos? And, how those things work genetically. I'm not planning on breeding or anything, just asking...
  6. rustypocket

    Are we expecting?

    Hello all. I "have" this feral queen, Maminka, that I'm trying to make into an indoor-only, which about I wrote in feral cat section. She is 3-4 years old thath usually has 1 litter a year, and she had this year's, or shall I say 2014 in Spring. Now, I caught her three days ago and I am...
  7. rustypocket

    IKEA Algot shelving ?

    Hello everyone.  As I got a indoor cat few days ago, I want to make sure to I have a cat friendly home as soon as possible. So, I've been researching ideas of cat shelving and stumbeled across the Algot shelves by IKEA. Those are sort of DIY, so I like the potential idea of being able to move...
  8. rustypocket

    Semi-feral cat - What shall I do?

    Hello everyone, let me introduce myslef in few words. I'm Marko, 18, and come from Croatia (I know some of you have to Google it :D). I live in a neighbourhood  that is transitioning from countryside to suburbia, so I pretty much grew up surrounede by all kinds of animals. To be honest, I always...