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    Happy Thanksgiving all!

    Happy Thanksgiivng to everyone! I hope this holiday is a warm one for all!!! WHat is everyone having to eat this holiday? My family is doing the typical turkey, mashed potatoes & gravy, hot rolls and butter, ham, fruit salad, green bean casserole, and all the stuff to nibble on like chips...
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    what breed are your cats?

    My Dinah is a blue tabby, and ScatCat is an all black cat. I need to ask.. What is a "MOGGIE"?
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    Tonsils out????

    Update: My throat hurts worse now than it did. I mean, guys.. it's REALY painful!!! I've been taking the meds and sucking on the popsicles like crazy. The back of my tounge is very sore & swollen. Things look like they are healing nicely, so.. I really dont have cause for concern.. It just...
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    Tonsils out????

    I didnt have sutures.. mine were cauterized. They seem to be healing nicely, I guess, but I am still in alot of pain. Pain meds are still a necessity. I'm starting to crave certain foods though.... Onion rings sound fabulous, as well as a big mac. I havent been able to drink pop.. the...
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    Tonsils out????

    They have you eat WHAT after having your tonsils out??? Why on earth Chips??? That would be absolutely excruciating!!!! OUCH!!!
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    Tonsils out????

    My doctor told my mother and I to expect the 2nd day after surgery to be worse than the day of and the day after. I can already feel it. I coughed up some mucous today that had a blood clot in it... pretty gross, and after that, my throat felt like crap!! Still taking all the meds religiously...
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    Creative use of an item for which it was not originally designed

    Plastic baggies over my hands when making meatloaf or mixing something by hand. Old Greeting cards I use when sweeping up something small. Old shallow cereal bowls for pillar candles to sit in. Black bobby pins to hold up hems in my black work pants (I know, this one is ghetto... LOL)
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    Tonsils out????

    This morning I woke up in EXTREME pain. Brought me to tears. I've been taking my meds religiously.... my antibiotics and my pain meds. The apple sauce is a good idea. I think that I will have my mom pick up some this evening. The boys are at Daddy's house, and mom is visiting a friend down the...
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    What song drives you NUTS????

    I CAN NOT STAND Ashlee Simpson... or her flippin sister Jessica. Anything by either of them, and I cant change the station fast enough.
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    Tonsils out????

    They're all gone, and today was suprisingly not as bad as I thought. However.... My doctor called me from her home tonight to check on me, and informed me that it would be even worse tomorrow... In fact, I already feel it. It is REALLY starting to hurt. I've got tons of meds, which make me very...
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    Tonsils out????

    I would really love to hear your story. Seriously. I understand that cases are rare. I bet that my hysterectomy story (which is VERY RARE) could freak anyone out that is due for a hysterectomy.
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    Tonsils out????

    Having my tonsils and my adenoids removed tomorrow. I was told by the doctor to expect my worst sore throat ever multiplied by 10. Anyone have theirs removed as an adult? What was it like?
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    That's AWESOME, Rigel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!
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    Harry Potter tickets

    I cant wait for the movie.... Though, I know that I will be dissapointed. This book is considerably longer than the last three. At first... the director thought about making the movie in 2 seperate parts as to not cut alot of the side stories out, but in the end, they decided to just make 1...
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    A bonus in my cereal not listed on the box!!

    Well... I dont have a bug in food story... but I have an object in food story. I opened up a container of Jelly ( in a blue tub, white lid, with a long white handle attached to each side), and in it I found the rubber tip of a finger from a yellow kitchen glove. I called the company.. who...
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    ScatCat has a LUMP in his jaw!!!

    I've never heard of veterinary insurance... Could you tell me more about it?
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    ScatCat has a LUMP in his jaw!!!

    Hi guys! Havent been on in a while.... I've been busy with work and such.... I've missed you all though. I was giving ScatCat some loves this morning before heading off to work, when I felt a near quarter sized lump on his jaw, near his neck. I dont have the money at this time to take him to...
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    Fleas need help!

    I've noticed a few fleas on Dinah, so I treated her and ScatCat with Advantage. Just yesterday though, I found 3 fleas on me. So... I figure it's time to bomb. How though?? I was thinking I could do it when I head off to work in the morning, put the kits outside, and go. What to use? Do I bomb...
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    SPOILERS-Harry Potter discussion thread

    You've raised a very valid point, in my opinion. In the end of the book, it mentioned that now Harry was really on his own. I really think that Dumbledore's death (as heartbreaking as it was for me.. LOL) was necessary for Harry to blossom. Dumbledore couldnt save harry for the rest of his life...
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    Read this please

    I hope everything turns out well with your stepson, Leah. Extra hugs to you and your husband!