Search Results

  1. barbara brandt

    Little white dots falling off of cat's fur?

    My coon CAT has white things stuck onto her back and I comb her to get them and her fur is coming with them.  They progressed up her back and spread to my other tiger cat.  My three black cats do not have them.  I have tried cider vinegar bath and now I am trying diatamaceous earth  on her fur...
  2. barbara brandt

    My cat has mammary cancer.

       wish sso much I could do what  you are doing for your beloved kitty.  I will see if a vet I used for years will see me and give me an accurate dx of her pain.  If she can have affordable tratment for pain and remain comfortable, I will of course do that..  I will not be able to afford surgery...
  3. barbara brandt

    My cat has mammary cancer.

    Thank you for your kind reply.  It is hopeful for me to hear that your kitty is doing well and when I get to the vet with Diddle after Christmas, I am determined to see if he can focus on pain meds and not euthanasia if she is still doing o.k.  She is eating, giving commands about who should be...
  4. barbara brandt

    My cat has mammary cancer.

    My cat diddle had a large ink swollen teet and I had no idea about cancer.  I am on Social Security and have several animals, all over 10 years old.  I have put Vetercyn on the area and it stayed the same. She has not shown any distress with this but it has begun to bleed today.  I am trying to...