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  1. J

    flying cat from Singapore to NZ

    Hi guys! I am STRESSED about my cat Chomie's relocation from Singapore to NZ. Good thing Singapore is rabies-free so at least Chomie will not have to go through the whole deal of quarantine in NZ. I thought Chomie's stress day was over when she had her microchipping last week, apparently not...
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    Back to Basics cat food

    Hello all, Would like your opinion please. Has anyone tried this brand before? The ingredients sound highly natural, although my only concern is "garlic". I've read that garlic isn't good for cats. But anyway would you recommend this vs Iams or Royal Canin...
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    feline mammary tumors

    i don't know how to start this thread so please bear with me. i am currently away from home so i don't know how bad the situation is about my cat. anyway, beanie (one of my fave cat) was diagnosed with mammary tumors today. i got the BAD news from my mom today, telling me that they rushed...
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    mouth ulcers for years

    Hi all, writing in behalf of a friend's cat. Her cat has mouth ulcers for years now and the vet is baffled by his condition. He used to be a fat cat, but since he has ulcers, he wouldn't eat & he needs to get his steroid shots (depomedrol) every two weeks (he has been on steroids for years and...
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    anyone from New Zealand here???

    Hi everyone! I was wondering if anyone's here from NZ? I recently accepted a job offer in NZ and will be moving in the next few months once I get my papers ready! I'm excited but at the same time very sad since I will be leaving my babies behind (under my mom's care). What's the animal shelters...
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    'pimples' on kitty belly

    Hi all, rescued a 3wk old kitty this morning. He's really emaciated. Poor thing. We've tried giving him KMR which he doesn't drink that much. Anyway, when I came home from errand, I gave him a warm bath, to remove the gunk on his frail body. He was tolerant about it. What a brave boy! Anyway...
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    Moody ~ we love you very much!

    Tomorrow, mom & I have decided to let Moody go. It has been five days since she was diagnosed with megaesophagus - it's been hard on her. She hasn't had a full stomach for the past week. It really breaks my heart to see her sad eyes - it tells us how unhappy she is. I'm sorry it had to end this...
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    megaesophagus in kittens!

    I need help! My 4-5 week old kitty was recently diagnosed with megaesophagus. I've read everything there is on the internet. I want to hear from people who cares for these special cats. Thanks.
  9. J

    consistent vomiting kitty after feeding

    Hi all, need your advice. The kitty in this topic is now at the vets, I'm just asking your opinion regarding this matter. Our kitty who we rescued 4 weeks ago is now about 4-5 weeks old. For the past week or so, we had problems feeding her. She was vomiting everything she was eating. Milk and...
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    need MAJOR help with weaning 4-5wk old kitty!!!

    Okay, I sound really desperate! Our rescued 4-5 week kitty now is having difficulty weaning, and that makes me worry a lot! She was rescued when she was 1 week old. Never had any problems with drinking her milk. About 2 weeks ago, she was attacked by our dog but fortunately didn't sustain major...
  11. J

    3-4 week old kitty uninterested in food

    Hello all, visited before proceeding to post here. I have a three to four week old kitty whom we rescued when she was about 1-week old. She has been eating really well until the past few days where she'd drink her milk (from the bottle) not as plenty as before. I don't...
  12. J

    farmhan flea collar = ok?

    I was in a vet/pet store today to get KMR & Benebac for my 1-week old kitty when I decided to buy de-flea meds for my two cats. I saw flea collars made by Farnam Pet Products, forgot the exact name of the product, but it's something like a colored flea collar which can protect a cat for 5 months...
  13. J

    kitty diarrhea :(

    Hi all, need help ASAP! Last week, my mom found a one-week old kitty. And for the last few days since Saturday, I think, I have been feeding it with a milk replacer (not KMR, brand: Lactol) but made the formula too thick. Since this morning, the kitty has been diarrheic (loose, yellow stools)...
  14. J

    Help! Benefits of (feral) cats!

    Hi, could anyone help me out? What are the benefits of feral cats, aside from keeping the vermin population down?? Basically, need help on educating ignorant, cat hating people about cats. Thanks!
  15. J

    loud meowing & spraying

    Hi all, need some help. One of my friend's cat is meowing very loudly and spraying too. She has separated it on its own, but she spritzes her with water if she meows. Do you know of anything I can suggest so she doesn't have to traumatize the poor kitty?? They've been to the vet and was given a...
  16. J

    warm milk necessary?

    Yesterday, my mom found a kitty. Actually, she wasn't supposed to take him home. The first time she saw him, she immediately felt pity on the kitty because it was wailing on the top of its lungs, but wasn't ready to help him (we have 10 cats at home and she said no more!). But then, she passed...
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    cats & aircon

    Hi all, need your advices. Is it okay for cats to stay in an air conditioned room, right?? It's so darn hot & humid in our country (35 deg celsius) and unfortunately my air con unit broke down last year (hehe). Now I'm asking my mum if she could get one for my room but she says no because the...
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    in memory of an unloved kitty

    I am so mad as I write this now! Yesterday, my bf's help found a beautiful all-white kitty with blue eyes. When they told me about it, I came to see and told them the kitty may be deaf because of her features. She was beautiful, nonetheless. I syringe-fed her yesterday, made her pee, etc. I...
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    How old are you??? :)

    New poll everyone! Care to say how old you are??
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    Nigerian 4-1-9 Scam I always get this kind of email send to our animal welfare org's email address. Never replied to any of those but I got kinda curious on how it works. Went...