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  1. C

    Knowing when it is time

    My apologies to all - this was posted in the wrong spot. Hello all. I've been here several times over the last couple of years asking questions about my dear Zoey. She has been a sickly cat since we brought her home from the shelter 3.5 years ago. She is approxiametly 4 years old and was...
  2. C

    Thoughts about why my girl isn't eating what she should be

    Hi. My girl is almost 3 years old and has recently just stopped eating. Ok..she is eating, but only a fraction of what she should be. I feed Zoey 5/8 a cup of Science Diet W/D to help maintain a lower weight due to Anal Gland issues [which they think is tied to her weight]. Last time I took...
  3. C

    Need Help - Possibly facing a hard decision

    I apologize up front for the length of this....I just don't know how to shorten it and still get what i consider important info about this across. My girl, Zoey, is 3 years old and has had recurrent issues with her anal sacs for about the last 24 months. Also, due to the fact she was so sick...
  4. C

    Litterbox retraining

    Im curently in the process of "retrainng" my girl to use the litter box. She started urinating out of the box because she was sick. I found 2 spots where she went - one was a chair that has since been thrown out...the other is a spot on the carpet that I cleaning with Nature's Miracle. My...
  5. C

    Urine Smell in Carpet

    I've been speculating that my girl has used the house as her litterbox for the last week. I have found one spot - well...she showed me where it was. When you got down to the carpet - you could still smell the urine. I have since checked every other room she has acess to with a black light. I...
  6. C

    Black Light / Retraining - Please help...I can't find the answer anywhere on the site

    Hi. I just purchased a black light since my girl has taken to peeing on the rugs. On my tan carptes, I have spots that undoubtedly urine by the basic shape of them. I know they are older stains as I can smell nothing at all. Once I use Nature's Miracle or similar product...will it continue...
  7. C

    Peeing outside the litter box

    Not sure where to post this question. My girl, Zoey, has been fighting anal sac infections lately. Due to the fact she doesn't behave in the typical symptoms when they become enlarged [scooting / obsessive licking], I didn't figure it out until she must have been suffering quite a bit. In the...
  8. C

    Anal Sac Removal

    My baby, Zoey, is currently at the urgent care center being checked for anal sac impaction as well as a bladder infection [due to the inappropriate urination outside of the litter box]. My question is - has anyone had a cat in which you had to have the anal sacs removed? My reason for the...
  9. C

    Anal Sac Question

    My girl, Zoey, has had issues with her anal sacs in the past...however she rarely presents any sypmtoms. However, tonight when I got home I picked her up and cradeled her like a baby. I notice that when her tail dropped, she had a pussy substance coming from her anal glands. My question is -...