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  1. eburgess

    Need some help!

    I have a problem and I need some help. My Dh and I just got a new mattress set last week. Tonight while I am trying to sleep I hear this ripping sound. It is the sound of my cat, clawing and chewing at the box spring. He has managed to rip a large hole and several smaller holes into the...
  2. eburgess

    Silly kitty

    My Dh and I got a new mattress yesterday. Now our guest room (Limerick's room) actually has a bed. Limerick is very excited with this. Last night we found this: Limerick sleeping under his blanket. We have no idea how he did that but he stayed there until he realized DH and I were there...
  3. eburgess

    Lunar Eclipse TONIGHT!!

    I was wondering who was going to try to see it? It starts at about 840ish EST with a full eclipse starting at 10ish. I should last until past midnight. Here's a link: Happy Moon gazing!!!
  4. eburgess

    Puppy Bowl!!!!

    I'm watching the Puppy Bowl on Animal Planet. Limerick is trying to catch the puppies.. haha. Right now they have a husky puppy with all the small breed puppies... OMG too cute!!!
  5. eburgess

    Cat friendly dogs

    So I have been thinking about getting a dog. We had a husky/shepard mix growing up. Don't get me wrong, I love my Limerick, but I miss having a dog. Does anyone know what dog breeds that are traditionally "cat friendly"?
  6. eburgess

    Merry Christmas!!

    Limerick really enjoyed his Christmas. Santa Claws got him a new scratching post. He was very good this year...
  7. eburgess

    superglued kitty

    Ok My husband and I were out of town for a few days last weekend (friday-tuesday). We had my sister in law check up on my Limerick a few times. Ever since we got back, Limerick has been glued to my lap or leg. The minute I sit down he is curled up in my lap. When I go anywhere in the...
  8. eburgess

    dog question

    Ok Fh and I, well I have been looking into getting a dog. We wantt o get a small breed dog that would get along with my Limerick. Limerick seems to tolerate dogs prety well. He had no reaction to my neighbor's dog who wandered in the house. Any ideas on breeds we should consider? Thanks!!
  9. eburgess

    Happy Birthday Limerick!!

    Limerick truns 3 today. He is growing up so fast! He love his preseants. He got some new toys and tuna today, and his "daddy" my FH took him outside for a little bit. Happy Birthday Limerick!!!
  10. eburgess

    The Bachelor Anyone??

    Who's watching?? Who do you like?? I have to say I think Andy is soo hot!! It's going to be an interesting season, but I would love it if Andy and Tina were together in the end. He is a doctor and she is studying to be a doctor.
  11. eburgess

    Need a laugh read this

    DOG DIARY 8:00 am - Dog food! Myfavorite thing! 9:30 am - A car ride! My favorite thing! 9:40 am - A walk in the park! My favorite thing! 10:30 am - Got rubbed and petted! My favorite thing! 12:00 pm - Lunch! My favorite thing! 1:00 pm - Played in the yard! My favorite thing...
  12. eburgess

    Puppy Bowl 2007!!!

    Awww the puppy bowl is on now on Animal Planet!! Hours and hours of watching these little darlings run around and play. Just plain cute!!!
  13. eburgess

    Limerick caught a mouse

    Last night at about Midnight I heard a loud noise. I went out to find Limerick playing with, what I thought was one of his toy mice. Thats when I heard the horrified squeeks of a mouse, a real mouse. Limerick caught a mouse a real live mouse, my Limerick Mr. "I'm Afriad of My Own Shadow"...
  14. eburgess

    Good bye Kiki

    Last night my Fh and his Dad were forced to put down one of their cats Kiki. She has had platlet problems for the past 5 years, and had been taking medicine to fix it twice a day since then. As of last thursday her platlet count was finally normal, but she had become anemic. The poor girl has...
  15. eburgess

    Sister got a job!

    My sister got a job at North Carolina State University Veterinary Hospital in Raleigh NC. She is now on her way to her new apartment. Congrads Steph! We both felt kind of bad because her moving to a new state means spliting our cats up. Limerick and Able have been best friends for little...
  16. eburgess

    What do your furbabies do at the vet?

    Limerick had his checkup today. Needless to say he was not thrilled. He was shaking and looking for a place to hide but he did well. He didn't hiss or try to hurt me, the Vet Tech or the vet. He got a booster and microchip and didn't make a sound. I'm so proud of my boy! He has a clean...
  17. eburgess

    Collar problems

    Limerick has now had 3 collars get caught around his lower jaw. We've tried break away, ones with an elastic in it, dog collars, but we still gets them caught around his jaw. Has anyone else had this problem? Should he be collar free, or is there something else we can try?
  18. eburgess

    Happy Birthday Limerick!!!

    Limerick turns 2 years old today!!! It seems like yesterday that I was brining him home for the first time!! Happy Birthday Limerick!!!!!! [/IMG]
  19. eburgess

    The oldest tortoise dies

    Oldest Tortoise It was about 250 years old. If only if tortoises could talk! Amazing isn't it
  20. eburgess


    Limerick has a lot of dander coming off of him. I'm guessing it's from dry skin. What can I do to get rid of it. It appeared after I brushed him.... what do you think?