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    My three ARE microchipped, but I do not have them in collars. I want to though.
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    Anyone have info on bugs dangerous to cats?

    Geez, no clue....but I had a new kitty at home who was all of a sudden very lathargic. I took her to the vet, and she did have an elevated fever, but they couldn't find anything wrong. They either "made" her poop or she pooped, and they found the body parts of a giant roach (I do live in the...
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    My cat, Cissa, has a reaction to Revolution. She gets a bald spot at the location, about 1" round. So we put her on Frontline and the heardguard. She did fine for 6 months, and this month refused to eat it. Next month we are moving, and I have to become diligent about the flea meds as we...
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    litter box..HELP!!

    It could be the litter. I think Precious Cat (I find it at Petsmart) is really unscented. Also try a food that is supposed to help with smell, like Nutro perhaps. My cats don't smell like they used to when younger. Guess having a more stable food has helped in that area.
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    Collar or Not?

    LOL, someone noticed the names. My children are the Harry Potter fans in this house, I just drive them to the movies and pay for the books. My little kitty's microchip cost $32, and the two cats were both $42. I don't know why, unless the cost went up in the past 3 weeks or it is an age...
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    Collar or Not?

    All three of my cats were microchipped recently. Bella when she had her spay a few weeks ago, Cissa just 2 days ago, and Lucius today. Now I want to buy them collars and tags. Thanks for the encouragement.
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    Mimi IBD....CURED!!!

    I didn't realize fish was bad for cats. My cats tend to prefer the "oceanfish" flavors of canned food over chicken/beef/liver. Does anyone have a good link about this for me to read up on? Is fish okay for some cats and not others? What are the side effects of fish?
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    What else can I do? RE: Scooting

    I can tell his bottom is sore because he has whitish areas on his rectum (his poops are hard and round) and I think it stretches him a bit. I use an ointment occasionally. I tried psyllium yesterday, and his poop was bigger, but then also a mushy bit (probably fromthe psyllium.) I think he...
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    What else can I do? RE: Scooting

    My cat scoots due to a constipation problem. He doesn't have worms, his anal glands do tend to get impacted occasionally, his butt gets sore from pooping. It doesn't happen all the time, I'm aware of it, the vet is aware of it. We haven't found a perfect solution yet, and have tried diet and...
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    Strange licking...

    My male love my pits and my boobs....oh well. He enjoys his morning "snuggle" time. The two females could care less.
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    chin blackheads

    If it's a new cat, just don't worry about it....see if it heals on its own. My newest kitten had them, they went away, came back, and now are gone for good. If this is a new situation, then do what the others have said. My new kitty was fed on plastic bowls and not so clean ones at first (I...
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    Does she still have worms? (this is gross!)

    I thought deworming meds killed the worms before they came out. Is that true or not true?
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    Kitten teeth

    My new kitten is probably around 13 weeks old (vet's guesstimate.) I just noticed that one of her lower canine teeth has fallen out. I know kittens lose their teeth, but there doesn't seem to be another tooth growing in. Is this normal? Obviously there isn't anything I can do about it, she...
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    All 3 cats have rash on chin...

    Wash your dishes daily also. Don't just plop new food in a dirty dish. The bacteria will rub from the chin to the dish and never go away, even if using ceramic or glass. My new kitty had the acne when we got her a week ago. Clean glass bowls daily and it went away and I never cleaned it...
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    X-rays today

    Lucius just turned 1 year and is going in for Xrays today for his bowels. His weight got up over 14 lbs, and he's dropped down a bit as I've been feeding more wet (dr's request also.) But he's had bowels problems for some time. He had an infected anal gland 5 months or so past, and has had to...
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    Kitten has problems eating?

    I have a new kitty and she's finally starting to eat. She prefers pate canned food with the KMR added to it. So that is exactly what I'll feed her till she grows up a bit more and puts on more weight. Mine also sort of slurps up the food. I stir a quarter can of food with about 1 T of the...
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    Ground flaxseed question

    To the top as I'm also interested.
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    Kitty Stool Softeners and funky poops

    I will ask about the metamucil. Will it soften the poops though? Her concern is that he has very hard poop, about 5/8" little balls, rather than a longer skinnier one. I see this as a form of constipation myself. Though he does eliminate daily. He needs them bulkier and wetter.
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    Questions on how to choose a vet

    I love going to the vet, it is such a wonderful facility. She's also a cat vet, so no dogs are there. I went in before the first appointment, got to talk to the staff, asked to be shown around. I saw where they do grooming, and where some cats are boarded, and their playroom. The whole...
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    Worried about Spyder

    Your kitty may have gotten into something that made a yucky tummy. A few weeks ago I woke to a house with lots of mucusy vomit all over. I finally figured out which cat did it and she spent a whole day not eating and a few more pukes. By the next day she was fine. The exterminator had been...