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    Need help fast! 7 month old kittens puking and diarrhea

    My kittens are having very bad problems, it started the day before yesterday I noticed one of my cats had been throwing up i figured it was just a hairball. I then seen both of them doing so, when I checked the litter box there was diarrhea. My boy cat Dorian pukes up everything he ate right...
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    Im back :D

    hello guys how are you? if you don't remember me or my kitties i am Jayla and ozzy and stitch are my kitties...Been gone for at least 3 months now been really busy around here due to my father coming back and his amputation... and you wouldn't guess who has been sitting in that dang wheel chair...
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    might be a dum question

    a family friend had her 2 cats spayed in december 2004 but she says one of them got out just before the spay and now callie the one that got out looks pregnant she is getting fatter and nipples are getting bigger is this possible??? if the vet didnt know she was pregnant at the time she was...
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    my family needs board magic for my dad

    If you read my other post about my dad leaving, here is a update. We were going to get him into residential treatment then all the other help we could get him and our family when he got back.(counceling,treatment,hospitalization, ect.) because my mum decided he couldn't come back until he...
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    Boad magic request for sick sasha :(

    hello im requesting some board magic for my hamster, sasha today we checked on her and we have found out she is very sick from catching a cold from me or my mother (because we are both very sick right now) well when i checked on her i found out she had not been eating or drinking, and she is...
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    found this on another board

    And God Created DOG to LOVE Man and CAT to teach him HUMILITY It is reported that the following edition of the Book of Genesis was discovered in the Dead Seal Scrolls. And Adam said, "Lord, when I was in the garden, you walked with me everyday. Now I do not see you anymore. I am lonesome here...
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    Is it wrong?-a venting thread

    Sorry this is a long post: Ok to start out my father is scitzophrenic which is a mental disability. And im bipolar which is also a mental disability. We have never gotten along since i have been 13 when i was addicted to drugs and he did them with me. He said he did it to try to "bond" with me...
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    Changing advatar?

    i was wondering how you change your advatar. I know how to get the kitten ones changed but i have no more options for advatars and im a adult cat? i was just wondering if i could change it or not now because i see people who are the same rank as me with difforent advatars.
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    Adverage breed prices?

    hello im going to be looking into buying a feline friend soon when i move out of my parents house, i was wondering the average price for these breeds: bengal siamese maincoon ragdoll Traditional Balinese Abyssinian Birman Siberian Egyptian Mau if anyone knows what price they go at about it...
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    Making a Cat condo/tree

    me and my mother have been wanting to make a cat condo/tree and we were wondering if anyone knew what to use and how to build it so its fun and steady for them. we would buy one but they are too much and we figured it would be funner and cheaper to build them one .plus we need a...
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    FOUND CAT NEED ADVICE :confused:

    hello i need some advice me and my family live in a large apartment building, and we heard meowing for a while so my mother went to the door, and in runs a cat. its a female,tabby she has a bald spot on her back and we dont know what that is if its ring worm or something. and she also has...
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    kittie tricks...:)

    i was wondering if anyone else teaches there kitties tricks? and if you do what are they and was it easy to teach them? we have taught our kitties to sit, wave,and we have taught them to stand in a prairie dog position lol, also i have taught ozzy to run and jump up on me when i call him. i am...
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    Christmas pictures

    i took a couple pictures of the boys in christmas hats i wanted to post.... this is stitch he reminds me of scrooge saying "ba hum-bug!" in these pictures: here is ozzy he reminds me of little timmy lol: i will take more pictures like always in time. Thank you for looking at my boys and...
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    Hello all im back

    Hi again, im glad the site is running again. i know i should have did this like a week ago but we are having problem at home . so thank you for getting the site running again guys. Well im 18 years old i just finished my ged and im trying to get ready to go to college to be a vet. tech. I...