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  1. S

    TV dances

    if you've never seen these look at e'm now! BTW, What is that song that plays over the ace ventura dance???
  2. S

    Oh my god.....

    My husband hogs the computer!!!!
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    Tell us your star sign?

    Aries over here.
  4. S

    Say something nice about the catlover below you

    thank you katachtig, your so kind. and your cats are gorgeous!
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    Say something nice about the catlover below you

    Your cat is sssooo cute!!! Boy, are you good at getting him/her to pose for the cammera.
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    Some lady hit my car...

    that damn lady and her car....... I'm feel so sorry for you, I hope you can fix it up.
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    Are you a bug squisher or do you catch and release?

    I'm okay with bugs if they dont enter my house or land on me. Last night I saw a bug on the fire detector so I told my husband to put it outside. By the way, I found out how to put pics of hampton online, now all I have to do is join shutterfly......
  8. S

    Oh my god.....

    I'm scampy14. By the way, how are your cats doing? Hampton is doing great.
  9. S

    Oh my god.....

    Oh my god!!!! I haven't visited you guys for years! do you think you even know who I am?
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    Want to know when Santa will be at your house?

    nice site! too bad i couldn't get real player to work!
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    Something Fishy

    The poor fish! Im so happy that he got help
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    My cat is dying

    that is so sad .I hope your cats get well soon.
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    Say a prayer, please?

    Wow, that must have been scary! You're in my thoughts....... What is impetigo ?
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    Happy Birthday Melissa!

    Happy Birthday from me and the smilies!
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    What am I?

    Yep. cazx01, your turn!
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    ZOOM, do your babies ever do it?

    Hampton "gallops" around all the time! There is a long passage from the kitchen to the living room, and he makes good use of it.
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    What am I?

    So far I am soft and furry.
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    What am I?

    I am soft I am not
  19. S

    What am I?

    This has worked well on other forums and is a lot of fun! It plays like 20 questions. You'll ask yes or no questions, trying to figure out what cat-related thing I am. The first person to correctly guess what I am goes next.
  20. S

    Hi everyone!

    Why can't I edit my posts?????? It says you can on the forum rules.