Search Results

  1. damac

    16 year old cat seems dopey this week, closed eyes, mouth open, sleeping allot, otherwise normal?

    Just looking for some feedback after searching around for a bit.  it has been a year since he had surgery and they took his spleen out due to mast cell cancer.  they have kept him on steroid and benadryl daily since which is a low consistent dosage.  luckily he has only barfed a few times since...
  2. damac

    are there many causes for cats walking on their hocks?

    Long story short my 15 year old siamese started doing this out of nowhere like 4 months ago so we took them to a vet that turned out to be crappy.  During the month with them a few times the cat would get a bit lethargic and not eat as much and walk around on his hocks, missing jumps, etc. Took...
  3. damac

    wondering about blood test results for cat that was weak/barfing allot

    Got a 15 year old indoor siamest cat that started throwing up allot a couple months ago.  It got bad enough that every few days he would heave allot multiple times a day with lots of food and whatever liquid was in his stomach.  He would get very weak and go sleep alone at his worst.  Before...