Search Results

  1. frenchwench

    Cat Gate

    I know there is already at least one thread on here about cat gates, but I am looking for one that is a tension mount gate (so I don't have to put holes in the walls) that has a door that opens and shuts.   All the one's that I've seen online are too wide between the bars, and I know my one cat...
  2. frenchwench


    Do cats purr when they are in pain or uncomfortable, or only when they are happy and content?
  3. frenchwench

    Proper Kitty LItter Post Declawing

    I am taking my feral, who has now been living indoors with my dogs and myself for the past 3 weeks to be de-clawed of her front paws.  I can't stand being scratched up anymore.  Now, don't get me wrong....the scratching has come from her playing with me ONLY, not from being aggressive.  It is...
  4. frenchwench

    Best Cat Door

    Hello everyone!  I'm looking for a cat door.  I'm a first-time buyer and have come to see that there are many, many cat doors on the market.  Can anyone recommend a good one please? I Do NOT want one were the cat has to wear a special collar for the door to open or has to be micro chipped.  I...
  5. frenchwench

    Introducing a Feral into Home w/ Two Dogs

    Hello.  I've been reading on line about how to domesticate a feral cat and that it can be done.  I'd like to domesticate the feral that is in my avatar pic, but I have two dogs.  One is a 173 pound mastiff and the other is a 37 pound Basenji/Rat Terrier mix.  My Mastiff is good with other dogs...
  6. frenchwench

    How to Catch a Feral

    Help!!!!!  I have a vet appointment on 9/20 to take my feral named Mavin to the vet for a wellness check up and a spay or neutering, (depending on whether it's male of female) and am worried I won't be able to get it into the carrier that morning.  I have never pet this cat.  Have been feeding...