Search Results

  1. alexnell

    Kitty Muncher Alert!

    For everyone who likes kitty sammiches.... Bon Apetit!
  2. alexnell

    Rescue Barbie

    Found this on another site. Hope you like it. K-9 Rescue Barbie This Christmas season, give the latest, hottest new Barbie -- K-9 Rescue Barbie. She comes with her own Ford Aerostar van, and various size dog crates inside. She has a cell phone that's just barely working due to over use and...
  3. alexnell

    Found a fun site

    This site has pictures of cats that look like vampires.:vampireL: Wish I'd seen this before Halloween. Vampire Cats
  4. alexnell

    Prince is so sweet...

    A few days ago, I was laying in bed all day with a horrible cold. Prince checked on me throughout the day and woke me up a few times by tapping my arm with his paw and meowing. He was especially insistent at lunchtime, and seemed upset I didn't get up to eat. When I woke up at 2:30 pm I made...
  5. alexnell

    Happy Birthday Kittylove!

    :rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow:
  6. alexnell

    Ooops, I did it again...

    I let myself get too attached to Prince. We're keeping him. 4 cats and counting... My sweet calico foster kitty, Nora, was adopted last week by a wonderful lady who adores calicos. I miss her terribly, but letting them go is easier when I know they're going to someone who is a true cat lover...
  7. alexnell

    Another Foster Kitty Picture

    This is Prince. I promised to put up a picture, somewhere in some thread, can't remember which, so I'm starting a new one.
  8. alexnell

    Charm School?

    I'm trying to think of ways to make the cats at the Humane Society Adopt-A-Pet events seem more inviting. Our situation has limitations: we have no building, so we hold our events at a pet store/groomers. We need to keep the cats from running all over and either hiding in the back room or...
  9. alexnell

    Adoption Day

    Seven more hours until the humane society's monthly adoption event. This is when I hate being a foster mom. And it's also the best part of the job--finding great people who are going to give the furries love for the rest of their lives. But my heart is still breaking. I don't want to let my...
  10. alexnell

    Miss Nell was sick...

    Actually she came very close to dying. EXTREMELY Graphic story follows! On Friday the 6th, Nell spent most of the day napping. At about 7:30 pm she got up, followed Greg to the basement, and began vomitting repeatedly. She also had uncontrollable foamy, mucousy diarrhea. Greg told me, and...
  11. alexnell

    Nellie has lost her Meow!

    Miss Nell keeps trying to say something, but nothing comes out. Is it possible for a cat to get laryngitis? She usually talks up a storm . She was fine this morning, but silent in the evening. Any ideas?
  12. alexnell

    My Favorite Poem

    Resume by Dorothy Parker Razors pain you; Rivers are damp; Acids stain you; And drugs cause cramp. Guns aren't lawful; Nooses give; Gas smells awful; You might as well live.
  13. alexnell

    Happy News!

    Great news about the foster cats I had before I took in Nora and her kittens! I just found out today-- The woman who adopted Toby last week came back for his brother, Tubbs. She tried to resist, but just couldn't take it anymore. I guess he was so charming, he just stayed in her mind and...
  14. alexnell

    Orange Kitten 4 Sale--Cheap (Just Kidding)

    I need to vent. My foster kitten, Eliot, is driving me insane. His brother and 2 sisters are bad, but he is so, so, much worse. He's either climbing my bare legs, biting my big toe, trying to chew the buttons off my shirt, or attacking my hair. I've tried saying no, and all the other...
  15. alexnell

    Small Things

    This is a thread about the small things that happen that lift your spirits or help you make it through tough times. Here a few of mine: My Alexander finally started using the litterbox again after more than a week of outside-the-box "protests" because of the new cat. Eliot, my orange foster...