Search Results

  1. kathy and ken

    Fussie Cat food brand

    My cat loves the Fussie Cat Chicken and Vegetables.  She used to like the Chicken/Tuna variety, but there seems to have been a change in the formula or quality and she won't touch it.  I have a friend whose cat experienced the same thing with the Chicken/Tuna. Has anyone else had this problem...
  2. kathy and ken

    Kitten raises her bottom when she goes pee which leads to urine outside the litter box

    I put a large pan litter box in the corner next to the toilet in our seldom-used half bath.  I tried pasting/taping plastic around the box, but the tape did not hold.  My husband suggested a trimmed-off shower curtain liner with Command hooks on the wall and toilet.  When the curtain gets too...
  3. kathy and ken

    Food to avoid constipation

    I agree about the food conclusion.  My cot likes Fussie Cat chicken, Simply Nourish Chicken Stew, and Fussie Cat Chicken and Vegetables.  She has lost her taste for fish completely. Dry food for cats is like potato chips for people. I'm trying to wean Star of dry food - too many carbs!
  4. kathy and ken

    Food to avoid constipation

    We have had our cat for one year.  At first she was constipated.  The vet recommended a little Mirilax (!) sprinkled on her wet food.  Problem solved. She stopped eating about a week after her first visit to the vet.  Verdict - infection of unknown origin.  Antibiotics cured the problem. If...