Search Results

  1. senko chan

    Cat with stinky drool

    Hello again! Marley my cat with the feeding tube is drooling and the drool smells like pus. Touching the side of his face seems to cause a lot of pain for him. Does anyone possibly know what this could be? I'm thinking that he has an abscess that may have popped but when I look in his mouth I...
  2. senko chan

    More problems with Marley.

    Marley was drinking and urinating excessively for two days. Now that behavior has stopped. Problem is now that he wont drink or go to the bathroom at all. He might have gone once today (he shares a litter box with my other cat) He also had an accident on my bed last night. I cant really find...
  3. senko chan

    Cat with feeding tube

                             Hi! My cat Marley just had a feeding tube placed today. He is still very lethargic. I was just wondering what kind of activity level can he have wile the tube is place. Also it looks like he keeps getting the hiccups. Is that normal? Does anyone have any advice? Thank...