Search Results

  1. littlelion

    Anybody know about these toys?

    We received them in a little "goodie bag" full of cat toys. Not really sure about them though (if that makes sense) you can't really have your cat throw them around like a ball, and Happy's not into the ringing sound it makes. Any ideas?
  2. littlelion

    I've been so busy lately!

    I'm sorry for not getting on a lot :c I've just been really busy and I hope I can be back on soon!
  3. littlelion

    Post a picture of your cat looking out the window

    Here's one of Happy
  4. littlelion

    One Of My Hamsters is Sick

    I own two hamsters and one of them, Mitzie, is sick. She has been sleeping for most of the day, and she doesn't eat or drink. I don't know how much longer I have with Mitzie, but please pray for her!
  5. littlelion

    One Word Story Game

    [If you don't know how this works, basically, someone just says one word to begin the story, and people keep adding on and on, but only with one word.] Once
  6. littlelion

    How can I get my kitten to sleep more?

    Hi guys so I have had Happy sense he was two months old and now he is about 5 months old but I rarely ever see him take naps. Is this normal? He has a lot of beds and I put cat nip on them and I try playing relaxing music for him but it never works. I would think he would sleep more, any ideas...
  7. littlelion

    Does anybody know how to get a giant hair knot out?!

    Ok so I have the thickest hair and it gets giant knots which has recently happened to me, again. I have tried everything, olive oil, combs, brushes, detangling sprays, conditioner! Nothing works! I can't cut it cause then I would have a bald spot :( So I'm here to ask ya'll, have any ideas?
  8. littlelion

    Videos For Cats

    I decided to try out some of those videos for cats to watch/listen to. First for the one they're suppose to watch, we tried these: Happy didn't care just starting grooming the screen. He still didn't care. Then for the listening ones... He stopped for a few seconds then stumbled...
  9. littlelion

    Fun things to do with your cat?

    Happy and I need some new things to do :)
  10. littlelion

    Can I write a review, if so, how to?

    I wasn't sure how or if I could write a review, but Happy and I tried out a new product, I would like to review it but I couldn't figure out how. Thanks
  11. littlelion

    How To Nicely Say No To Bad Behavior?

    Happy is my little darling!  but every now and then he may do something bad. But I don't want to be mean cause he means so much to me! So I just say 'no', but I don't think he understands cause he's not a dog. How can I say no, nicely, in a way he will understand?
  12. littlelion

    Scooping the litter box, found a surprise...

    So when Happy and I were in the barn, I was scooping his litter box when I found a dead mouse in there. He must've caught one when I wasn't looking. Is it normal for him to bury it in his liter box?
  13. littlelion


    Ok, so, I have been seeing this for awhile but I finally drew the line, when I was writing something in a thread, this wasn't just 'Anything' it took me 20 minutes to write. This website keeps logging me out randomly, without me even clicking the log out button. Is there any way I can stop this?
  14. littlelion

    Where did you learn all the things you know about cats?

    Just wondering :) After I joined, I realized how much I have to learn about cats. I've learned from here on TheCatSite, some books, Jackson Galaxy, surfing the web, and my grandma, too. Where did you learn yours?
  15. littlelion

    What are your current obsessions?

    Hi everyone! What are your current obsessions? Mine are:                Atomic fire balls (The candy)                Fan fiction and (drum roll) Pewdiepie! (I know, I know...) Feel free to post yours below and update them as they change! :)
  16. littlelion

    Happy tried eating a grass hopper, is this safe?

    So earlier Happy and I were playing in the barn and he went into his little box fort and a grass hopper hopped out of it. It was immediately a cute battle between him and that grass hopper. He kept pouncing on that grass hopper. But man, it was like nothing could stop that grass hopper. Then...
  17. littlelion

    Tell A Story When Your Cat Did Something Naughty

    Heh heh... >;) I'll tell you something Happy did that was naughty: My dad brought in some eggs from our chickens. Happy jumped up on the counter top and my dad didn't want him up there so he grabbed him to put him back down. Happy started squirming to get out of his hands and his paw hit one of...
  18. littlelion

    My birthday is tomorrow

    I'm very excited :D
  19. littlelion

    TheCatSite "ranks"?

    Hi, I was just wondering about those ranks you get on TheCatSite, like newbie, baby kitten, etc. How do you get ranked up from those? Do you have to be on for a certain amount of time? Have to have a certain number of posts? I was just wondering cause today, I went from newbie to baby kitten...
  20. littlelion

    Is Happy ok?

    Please help me. :( Happy is normally a very active cat but lately he has been very lethargic. He still eats, drinks, and uses his litter box. My mom thinks he's fine, she just thinks he fell from a high height and hurt his legs. My uncle thinks he got stung by a wasp or a spider. I don't know if...