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  1. C

    Cat Puking

    Hello, all, Next week, my cat has his first vet check up for the year, but I'm not sure if I should move the appointment earlier due to his recent frequent puking. Here's what's going on: He's been puking once a day for the past four days now and before that it was once every couple of days...
  2. Cat bleeding from penis

    Cat bleeding from penis

  3. C

    Cat bleeding from penis

    This is Minou. All the best!
  4. DSCN1828.JPG


  5. C

    Cat bleeding from penis

    Hello everyone, I just wanted to provide an update. After I posted here I brought my cat (Minou) to a different vet that was suggested by a friend for a second opinion on the issue. This vet found that Minou indeed had cystitis, although his was stress related. He did not have a full bladder...
  6. C

    Cat bleeding from penis

    I don't get how it can be a blockage if he peed fine all this morning though. :( The x-rays from just a little while ago shown his bladder was empty.
  7. C

    Cat bleeding from penis

    I want to add that he also won't sit normally now. He sits in his large carrier in the position cats are in to clean their crotch/legs.
  8. C

    Cat bleeding from penis

    Hello everyone, Please stick with me to get the full story. Two weeks ago my cat was leaving little droplets all over the apartment. He even sprayed the door once. He's 8 years old and had never sprayed previously as a behavioral problem. I brought him to the vet a few times to get different...