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  1. losna

    Vet Said Cyst Was Nothing To Worry About, But...

    So we took Belit in because she had developed this hard round bump on her neck. The vet told us it was a simple cyst, and nothing to worry about. But it's clearly bothering her. She scratches at it a lot, and it is developing these hard ridges, or flap like things, as though she's scratching...
  2. losna

    Tempest Is Completely Terrified ... We're Mystified

    So for the past week or so, Tempest has been behaving as though something is completely terrifying her. All the time. All she wants to do is hide beneath things. In tiny boxes, way back in the corners of cupboards, under furniture. When we coax her out, she just sits in one spot, in a little...
  3. losna

    Morning rituals

    I was suddenly struck by how amusing our mornings are. Is this just something our strange little critters do or are such quirks common to kitties?  So every morning, hubby goes down to the basement where we have a home gym and exercises. Sinbad loves it, and is always waiting at the door, it's...
  4. losna


    My little Bêlit was diagnosed with kidney disease, and my vet recommended I use Phos-bind. Can anyone help me make sense of the directions? My vet has been in heavy duty surgery mode all week (they've had many more emergencies come in than usual), so I haven't been able to get ahold of her to...
  5. losna

    Found Tuxedo Cat

    Thought I would post here just in case anyone can help reunite this wonderful cat with its owners!! My husband and I encountered a cat while on a walk this evening that was super friendly, and seemed lost. We petted it for a while, then walked on. But after we got home, started to fret and...
  6. losna

    Sinbad loves sticks

    Pencils, pens, crochet hooks, my hair pins, chopsticks, dowel rods ... he goes after anything about the thickness of a pencil with complete determination and utter zeal. Does anyone know of a safe toy that I could give him that would mimic that? Whether it's a commercial cat toy or something...
  7. losna

    Poor Sinbad has been terrified

    Yesterday was such a scary day for Sinbad.  He had a vet visit that included his yearly bloodwork, so the vets had to wrap him up in a towel because one of the technicians botched a blood draw several months ago and now he completely panics at the sight of needles. The day started badly for...
  8. losna

    Rather starve than eat alone

    Are there any other cats that are like this? Both Sinbad and Tempest refuse to eat without company. Tempest will just leave her food untouched, but Sinbad starts caterwauling if expected to eat alone. He'll just sit by his food bowl and cry and cry and cry. It doesn't matter how hungry they...
  9. losna

    Do I need to supplement with whole ground prey?

    I'd thought if it was a ground mix containing everything, that it wouldn't need supplements. But lately I've seen a few posts saying that ground does need supplementing even if it is the whole animal. I finally found a place that will deliver to us and doesn't have a minimum order size ... so...
  10. losna

    Cat proofing a recliner/rocker

    Just created a big problem.  I'm a little person. I am very short and on the tiny side. So furniture is very difficult for me to find, it's all too big for me to comfortably use. We were at a consignment shop yesterday and I found a chair that is comfortable for me - the first chair that I have...
  11. losna

    Let's Play Fetch!

    Does anyone else have a cat who loves fetch? Sinbad will bring his ball up to my husband (I will do in a pinch, but he prefers to play this game with darling hubby), meowing loudly with his mouth full of toy, and drop the ball at hubby's feet. Hubby throws it ... Sinbad charges after it...
  12. losna

    Sinbad built himself a fort!

    @MServant decreed that I should make a post to share this with everyone. I am ever obedient so here it is. His stool is his grand tower now, he loves to sit on it, get my attention, spend time with me, and generally survey the office. It's very adorable. But apparently it was lacking in...
  13. losna


    I was just rubbing around Sinbad's eyes, and reflecting on how much he's changed since we adopted him. When he first arrived, he would only take scritches on the top of his head, right between his ears. Any body touches or attempts to touch anywhere else on his head would scare him off. Now he...
  14. losna

    feline addiction?

    So Sinbad had an anxiety attack the other day. It was a really bad one, when I called the vet with his symptoms she had us take him in immediately, and an aide stayed with us the entire time we were waiting for the vet to have time to check him out. Very scary. I don't want to get into what is...
  15. losna

    Litterbox for Two

    Sinbad hates to pee or poop alone. He will actually hold it in when he has to use the litter box and wait for either me or my husband to go into the basement. If it's been a while since either of us have been there and he has to go, he will stand at the top of the stairs and yowl until one of us...
  16. losna

    Chase the Rainbow! (image heavy)

    Sinbad loves his rainbow wand toy. All I have to do is stand up and he makes an excited noise and runs to where the toy is, hoping I'm getting up to play with him. I had some fun with the camera last week. Some of them are blurry, but I like the composition anyway. :) @MServant  Sorry I didn't...
  17. losna

    Tripping accident has given Sinbad traumas - any advice?

    Several days ago while playing with Sinbad, my husband tripped. Well, was tripped would be the better way to put it - Sinbad got overly excited and slammed into my hubby's ankles while chasing the wand. This caused my husband to fall, and while he was falling, Sinbad ran under his feet and was...
  18. losna

    Does anyone else have a cat burglar?

    As Tempest's comfort is rising, so is her mischief. In particular - theft. She goes after anything. Glasses off your face, anything in pockets - particularly cough drops - bookmarks, hair ties, anything brought into her room that's small enough to get paws or teeth around, she'll make off with...
  19. losna

    A human washcloth

    This is quirky rather than troubling, but it's really been bemusing me. Sinbad has started using my hands as washcloths.  He'll grab my wrist in his back paws, nice and tightly hooked so he can hold my hand firmly in place. His front paws go to the back of my hands so he can manipulate the...
  20. losna

    An Amazing Girl

    So my hubby and I were at the shelter this weekend, when a minivan pulled up out front. A woman and a young girl none of us recognized started pulling large bags and boxes out of the trunk. Everyone was mystified. After a few moments, they came inside. The young girl, whose name is Ade, had...