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  1. G


    Momma cats would slap a bad kitty, and that is what I do...doesn't hurt, but it let's them know that behaviour is not tolerated.  I know that a lot of people don't believe in hitting animals, but I've found it works.  I don't mean hurt them, but hard enough to let them know you are displeased...
  2. G

    Hope Hacker R.I.P.

    I still miss you, Hope. God Bless and keep you. ((Hope))
  3. G

    Newbie cat - STRANGE situation (need help, please!)

    I hope that this went well. I would never euthanize a cat for Felv. I have a cat, Chryseis who is Felv and FIV positive. None of my other 9 cats have caught the diseases in the 4 years she has been with us. Also some of the cats I feed are feral and she "hangs" with them outside. I have them...
  4. G

    Game - Food Songs :)

    Cherry Pie by the Jayhawks Sweet Cherry Wine Tommy James and the Shondells
  5. G

    Anyone have a "Drama" Queen or King?

    Merlyn is a &%#-stirrer and sneaks up on the other cats and slaps or bites their rear ends, then takes off running so they can't hit him back. Chiam "Screams like a girl" and makes monkey noises when he is nervous or when Merlyn scares him. Sanura wishes all the other cats in my house would...
  6. G

    CRF - Chronic Renal Failure:links and experiences with

    My cat, Wyld Chyld was only three when he died of CRF. He had been feral and didn't have enough nourishment as a kitten, and I also cleaned my floors with Pinesol--he loved it and would roll around on the floor and mop. I didn't know that Pine oil could cause kidney failure. I haven't read...
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    Lysol loving cat??

    Another cleaner that is dangerous to cats is Pinesol or any cleaner with Pine oils in it--they can cause kidney failure--and of course moth balls! They can kill a cat very quickly.
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    Before and After pic thread: add yours :)

    It is so amazing to see how wonderful the "saved" kitties look only a few weeks or months later. It is amazing how much difference love and regular food can make!
  9. G

    Daily Question.................02/16/09

    Afraid of heights and flying, although I will fly if I have to, and I've been known to climb on a roof or two. lol Still scared though... I respect animals because they can hurt me, but I'm not afraid of any animal.
  10. G

    Is this Safe??Rescue Remedy....

    My vet sells it for use on cats, so it must be safe.
  11. G


    In the following countries, a person who has their cat declawed would be arrested for abuse and their vet would lose his/her license. I stand by every word I wrote. Just because it's legal in the USA doesn't make it right. How can anyone research the possibilities that could happen, then do...
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    The only reason a cat should EVER be declawed is for medical purposes--if a cat has ingrown or foot deformities. A person who can't deal with cat claws doesn't need a cat. Declawing is a mutilation of the cat's physique. No good EVER comes to a cat because of it. It is done SOLELY for the...
  13. G

    My husband!!!! :(

    In another forum, we had a woman with a husband like this. She finally left him. (Thank God). a A person who would just dump a kitty on the street has a big, empty, black, evil hole where their heart should be. I'd be with that man for about as long as it took me to pack HIS stuff and kick...
  14. G

    Writing a Book

    I'm now working on Chapter 3, Male Cats Kill Kittens. If you have any stories about male cats' love for kittens, let me know. For example, my cat, Indy tried to NURSE some 3 week old abandoned kittens. When that didn't work, he killed a squirrel and brought it to them. He also carried them...
  15. G

    Writing a Book

    I decided to put the "Cats are unaffectionate" and "Cats are Solitary" chapters together because I feel that they stem from the same basic wrong idea. It's the current chapter that I am working on. I'd appreciate any of you telling me how your cat shows affection towards you or how your cat...
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    Writing a Book

    Yeah, me, too. I admin about 12 sites now--5 for my place of business, 6 of my own business sites and Kitty Haven. lol I'm working on Chapter 2--it's coming along pretty fast!
  17. G

    Pluto is now just a number...

    I will ALWAYS consider Puto a planet because it has moons. They can do as they please, but to me, Pluto is "more" of a planet than Mercury--because Mercury doesn't even have any case, they still haven't come up with a decent definition of a planet, so I think they are premature in...
  18. G

    Our cat-garden is ready - pictures

    What a wonderful gift you've given your kitties! I know that they are going to just love that Kitty garden... However--I do have one word of caution. One day while watching tv, I kept hearing a "thumping noise" coming from outside, so I went out to check. My old cat enclosure also had...
  19. G

    Writing a Book

    Thanks, Sicy--I hope about a million other people do, too. LOL Ahhhh! what a wonderful no-kill shelter I could build!! What are you doing in this neighborhood--if we're both here, who's watching KH? LOL
  20. G

    How to organize books

    I used to have hundreds of books... Keep about 10 of your favorites, sell the rest through and put the profits in the bank. lol Now I even go to auctions to buy boxes of books to sell!