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  1. L

    My cat just had PU surgery and is having complications

    Hello, Stitches were removed this am and he is back home. No blood in urine lately, eating, drinking more, energy has increased, urine output and bowel movements have increased. The doctor was optimistic and pleased with results of his recovery, however his surgery site is not as large as they...
  2. L

    My cat just had PU surgery and is having complications

    Thank you! I did give him water w a syringe 2x a day because it was worrying me, sorry I forgot to add.:) Today he finally went to the water bowl, I was thrilled! I called the vet, they want me to pick up antibiotics for him. He stopped straining (small urine amounts w a pinkish red in color in...
  3. L

    My cat just had PU surgery and is having complications

    My Jinxi is straining today and got sick from his food/meds. He also had a bit of blood in his urine, so I had to keep him in the bathroom because he is squatting in spots. I talked to the vet and she said it could possibly be an infection not another blockage. This had been a rollercoaster...
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    My cat just had PU surgery and is having complications

    Update again :) Vet stated if he is not straining to poop do not worry about it yet. He is not straining. He went pee 3x today, the last one this afternoon was large, hooray!! No blood in urine, no straining that we can see, and his stitch strings that's poking out is normal (according to vet)...
  5. L

    My cat just had PU surgery and is having complications

    Finally! He has urinated 5x in past hr (he hasn't gone since way earlier this a.m.). Each trip had no issues of straining/pain. The last two times he really went. However, he has not pooped since he has been home. A tip that worked for me: I found it easier to put puppy pads down in the litter...
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    My cat just had PU surgery and is having complications

    Update on the two cats getting along: Our other cat is somewhat tolerating him now when in the room. They ate near each other without any hissing and we have been rubbing the scent of one cat on a small throw blanket and then rubbing it on the other. She even tolerated him on the opposite end of...
  7. L

    My cat just had PU surgery and is having complications

    He has been lazy today but appears to be in no pain. Very vocal when we walk into the room, sometimes greeting us not missing a beat for feeding time. Today I have seen no more bleeding. I see some string from the stitches, but they didn't call me back on it and he's sitting fine when he does...
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    My cat just had PU surgery and is having complications

    Thanks! :) He's been doing okay, he hasn't used the catbox yet because he's been busy sleeping and snuggling on my bed since we got home earlier this afternoon (he is very happy about that..showing me his belly, feet in the air snoring). He still has a hearty appetite according to the vet and...
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  10. L

    My cat just had PU surgery and is having complications

    Well, looks like he's in one more day for observation. He urinated 2x at night, once this morning. His bladder was empty for the most part, the doctor noticed he had a bit in his bladder still, small concern but the doctor was happy with his improvements and seeing he's going on his own in small...
  11. L

    My cat just had PU surgery and is having complications

    He urinated!!! YAY!!! It was a little in his box today and doctor was happy to see that and him not straining (they check on their patients every half an hour or to an hr). He said it was good news. He has a hearty appetite, drinking water, and the surgery site is healing rather nicely. He...
  12. L

    My cat just had PU surgery and is having complications

    They are taking it out! I'm so nervous for him! Thank you all for the advice, I will keep posted. Sending out positive thoughts to your kitties too! :)
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    My cat just had PU surgery and is having complications

    Thank you for the kind words and encouragement Lilliannah! I just got back from visiting him and he was straining with the catheter today they told me. He was happy to see us though and alert, walking out of his cage! And he plopped in my lap showing me his neck purring away. Tomorrow the...
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    My cat just had PU surgery and is having complications

    Thank you mason94. We find more out tomorrow. I hope your cat feels better too! :)
  15. L

    My cat just had PU surgery and is having complications

    Sorry I'm new here and been reading all the threads about PU surgery (my apologies I am on mobile and haven't had much rest so I can't find where to post a new thread). My cat had a blockage, we brought him in this past Monday the 28th. When they put the catheter in they had to assist in...